3. April 2020
As one of the preventive measures against the spread of coronavirus, especially because of those who frequently violate the self-isolation measure, the Government has proposed amendments to the Electronic Communications Act to monitor citizens’ movements. It would allow location data to be collected, which may restrict citizens’ rights to freedom of movement and privacy.
3. April 2020
The Ombudsman received several complaints from workers whose functions are incompatible with the teleworking regime and are forced to miss work to provide support to the elderly who are part of their household and depend on their permanent support, especially in the face of the recent closure of social responses in which they were integrated (day centers and homes).
3. April 2020
The Queensland Ombudsman’s report, Management of child safety complaints – second report: An investigation into the management of child safety complaints within the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women, was today tabled by the Honourable Curtis Pitt MP, Speaker of the Queensland Parliament.
3. April 2020
Jesús Maeztu, Defensor del Pueblo andaluz y Defensor del Menor de Andalucía, intervino ayer en el programa Acento Andaluz de 7Televisión contestando a preguntas sobre las consecuencias sociales del coronavirus.
3. April 2020
The Seimas Ombudsman appealed to all Lithuanian municipalities and care institutions to ensure respect for human rights and freedoms in the time of COVID-19 outbreak. In his appeal, the Seimas Ombudsman aimed to remind that international human rights standards guarantee the right of every person to the highest standard of health care, even in an emergency.
3. April 2020
Armenian Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan has published a guide on frequently asked questions about the new Coronavirus and the situation of human rights in a State of Emergency.
1. April 2020
El Procurador Penitenciario de la Nación emitió una nueva recomendación dirigida a la Ministra de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de la Nación con el objeto de que arbitre los medios necesarios para que se regule la tenencia, portación y uso de aparatos de telefonía móvil de las personas detenidas al interior del Servicio Penitenciario Federal, como una medida paliativa mientras duren las restricciones y suspensiones a las visitas por COVID-19.
1. April 2020
Le personnel du Médiateur de la République, réuni en assemblée générale le mercredi 18 mars 2020, a été sensibilisé par rapport aux mesures prises par les autorités sanitaires dans le cadre de lutte contre la propagation du Coronavirus dénommé encore COVID 19.