5. Mai 2020
Les hacemos llegar el reporte semanal de Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional. El reporte semanal ofrece un repaso de las prácticas de las Defensorías del Pueblo en algunos países latinoamericanos en el período 27 de abril – 1 de mayo de 2020.
5. Mai 2020
Following the Ombudsman’s Initiative Report, dated March 26th 2020, regarding measures that must be taken in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in places where people are deprived of their liberty, such as prisons and other places of quarantine, which were immediately implemented by the State and following the Ombudsman’s Statement
4. Mai 2020
Within Article 27 of the Convention (work and employment), we conducted a survey focusing on mapping the conditions of and impediments to employment of people with disabilities in the public sector. Indeed, we assume that public administration should lead by example in creating appropriate working conditions for employees with disabilities.


4. Mai 2020
Desde la institución se enviaron distintos pedidos de informe a diferentes áreas gubernamentales, que poseen jurisdicción sobre la explotación y control del río Paraná, para configurar un escenario detallado de las acciones realizadas en torno a la bajante del río, la captación de agua para consumo, el derrumbe de las barrancas y la pesca indiscriminada.
4. Mai 2020
The Case Notes 2019 was tabled in Parliament by the President of the House of Representatives, the Hon. Anglu Farrugia.


30. April 2020
Veuillez trouver ci-après le discours et quelques photos du lancement de la campagne nationale de sensibilisation du Médiateur de la République et des acteurs communautaires sur le covid 19, ce jour 29 avril 2020 à Tessaoua dans la région de Maradi.
30. April 2020
The Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsman has received more than 100 complaints related to the state of emergency and the coronavirus pandemic. The complaints have concerned all branches of administration. Many of the complaints are related to health care, social welfare and social insurance. The Office has also begun working on several issues at its own initiative.
30. April 2020
Les citoyens font de plus en plus souvent appel au Médiateur fédéral. En 2019, le Médiateur fédéral a ouvert 6 852 nouveaux dossiers, c’est une augmentation de 10% par rapport à 2018.