27. September 2019
El pleno del Observatorio del Menor del Síndic de Greuges, España, ha debatido el 25 de septiembre 2019 la situación de la trata de menores en la Comunidad Valenciana, una realidad oculta difícil de detectar y proteger, y de la que no existen datos oficiales.
27. September 2019
On Monday 9 September, two new Parliamentary Ombudsmen, Katarina Påhlsson and Per Lennerbrant, took up their positions, replacing Cecilia Renfors and Lars Lindström.
27. September 2019
On Wednesday 25 September IOI President and Irish Ombudsman Peter Tyndall delivered a briefing to the Parliamentary Justice and Equality Committee on his Office’s experience of dealing with complaints from people living in Direct Provision.
27. September 2019
À l’occasion du dépôt de son rapport annuel à l’Assemblée nationale du Québec le 26 septembre 2019, la protectrice du citoyen, Marie Rinfret, a présenté ses constats concernant la qualité et l'intégrité des services publics québécois.
26. September 2019
In accordance with Section 3 of Act CXLIII of 2011 on the Promulgation of the OPCAT, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights performs the tasks of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) as of 1 January 2015 and is pleased to present a comprehensive report on the NPM's activities in 2018.
26. September 2019
Tal como lo ha reclamado la Defensoría del Pueblo de Perú, el Tribunal Constitucional (TC), a través de una sentencia, respaldó la solicitud defensorial para que la población penal de todo el país con problemas de salud mental reciba atención médica oportuna y de calidad. Actualmente, el Instituto Nacional Penitenciaria (INPE) cuenta con solo 1 psiquiatra a nivel nacional.
24. September 2019
Today the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Michael Manthorpe, published a report which provides a comprehensive and contemporary overview of Australia’s readiness to implement the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT).
24. September 2019
The application of ‘spit hoods’ to children and young people accommodated in South  Australia’s youth detention centre is contrary to the Charter of Rights for youth detainees and  contrary to law, South Australian Ombudsman Wayne Lines has determined. Tabling his investigation report in South Australian Parliament on 24 September 2019, Mr Lines called on the South Australian government to ban the use of spit hoods within the Adelaide Youth Training Centre within 12 months.