25. Februar 2020
Throughout the past year, the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman (OVO) continued its work to advance fairness for Veterans and their families with a particular focus on the issues of wait times; financial security and transition.
25. Februar 2020
Three councils failed to act with accountability and transparency in a matter involving the outsourcing of parking fine reviews, Ombudsman Deborah Glass has found.
24. Februar 2020
In an article on “The anatomy of the crime against the Polish judiciary” published by Magazyn TVN24, the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights, Adam Bodnar comments on the complex developments regarding the judiciary system in Poland, lists the most frequently encountered popular opinions and tries to explain why it can be dangerous to accept those arguments.
24. Februar 2020
La Defensoría de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes de la Provincia de Santa Fe presentó a las autoridades de la Secretaría de los derechos de la Niñez, Adolescencia y Familia de la provincia de Santa Fe la publicación “El acogimiento familiar en la provincia de Santa Fe. Diagnósticos y propuestas. Informe 2019”.
24. Februar 2020
Sweden has received international criticism for a long time due to inmates’ conditions in Swedish remand prisons. The criticism concerns primarily the fact that inmates with restrictions are put in isolation and thus put in a situation that may risk affecting their mental and physical health.
21. Februar 2020
In a joint statement in support of the Public Defender (Ombudsman), the IOI, ENNHRI, GANHRI, EQUINET and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders underline their concerns about recent actions by the Georgian government relating to a prison visit conducted by the Georgian NPM and the fact that the Minister of Justice exposed video recordings of confidential meetings between NPM staff and prisoners on it social media channels.
20. Februar 2020
A new survey published by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman found that one in five people did not feel safe while in the care of the NHS mental health service that treated them.
20. Februar 2020
The Control Yuan (CY) held its 2019 Performance Review Meeting on 17 January 2020. Control Yuan recommendations boosted state coffers by NT$1.5 billion in 2019.