17. Februar 2020
Income and disability assistance recipients are still not getting the timely service they need when using the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction’s telephone system, according to the BC Ombudsperson who released an update today to his 2018 report.
13. Februar 2020
A vulnerable man choked to death after a care provider failed to undertake an appropriate risk assessment and produce an acceptable plan for his care, the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales has found.
13. Februar 2020
Within the scope of the 5th assessment of the Portuguese State on compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, this State body, acting on its quality of National Human Rights Institution (NHRI), sent its contribution to the United Nations Human Rights Committee.
13. Februar 2020
Me Ali Sirfi Maiga consulte des acteurs concernés dans la perspective d’une médiation. Cette rencontre, la première du genre, vise à trouver ensemble des solutions à la crise qui secoue l’enseignement universitaire au Niger suite à la grève du Syndicat National des Enseignants Chercheurs du Supérieur (SNECS).
13. Februar 2020
Ombud calls for reduction of services at province’s mental health centre following investigation into allegations of patient mistreatment and inadequate care.
13. Februar 2020
A Memorandum of Understanding signed this week sets out how the New Zealand and Thai Ombudsmen will work together for good governance, integrity and human rights across the Asia and Pacific regions.
12. Februar 2020
The 12th IOI World Conference and General Assembly is coming closer and we would encourage delegates who require a visa not to delay in making their visa application.


Cuando se acerca la 12ª Conferencia Mundial y Asamblea General del IIO, exhortamos a todos los participantes que requieren una visa, que no demoren los trámites para solicitar su visa.


La 12ème Conférence mondiale de l’IIO et l’Assemblée Générale s’approchent. Nous invitons tous les délégués qui auront besoin d’un visa à présenter leur demande le plus vite possible.

11. Februar 2020
Hanne Harlem began her first term as Norwegian Parliamentary Ombudsman on February 1st. She was appointed as Parliamentary Ombudsman by the Norwegian Parliament, the Storting, in October 2019.