4. März 2020
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, and the Deputy Ombudsman, Teresa Anjinho, participated in an international workshop on "Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights", organised by the IOI and the Catalan Ombudsman, in Barcelona from 2 – 3 March 2020.
4. März 2020
The 9th of February 2020 marked 30 years since the adoption of the Namibian Constitution. This year’s anniversary is all the more special as it coincides with the country’s 30th independence anniversary to be observed on 21 March. The Ombudsman celebrated Constitution Day across six different regions, with the main event held at the Dawid Bezuidenhout High School Windhoek.
3. März 2020
Advances in technology have made it easier for agencies to make automated decisions. Government decisions, like most decisions, affect people’s lives, so it is important that automated decision-making systems uphold the legal rights and privacy of individuals.
3. März 2020
Prenant la parole devant des collègues du Canada et d’ailleurs dans le monde, l’Ombudsman de l’Ontario Paul Dubé a accueilli favorablement cette semaine les nouvelles normes internationales qui définissent, promeuvent et protègent le rôle des ombudsmen dans le renforcement de la démocratie et la promotion des droits fondamentaux.
3. März 2020
Speaking to colleagues from across Canada and around the world, Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé this week welcomed new international standards that define, promote and protect the role of ombudsmen in strengthening democracy and promoting fundamental rights.
2. März 2020
Ombudsman Ontario job opportunity for Director, Special Ombudsman Response Team (SORT). As a key member of the Ombudsman’s Executive Management Team, the SORT Director provides investigative expertise, leadership, high-level strategic advice and critical management support to the Ombudsman.
2. März 2020
Día Internacional de la Mujer: la Defensoría del Pueblo de Santa Fe desarrollará actividades en plazas, hospitales y edificios públicos en las ciudades de Santa Fe y Rosario en el transcurso del mes de marzo.
2. März 2020
Le Médiateur de la République a reçu, le mardi 04 février 2020, une délégation représentant les Diplômés sans Emploi du Sénégal, conduites par leur Coordonnateur, Monsieur Yves Nzale.