16. August 2019
L’Ombudsman de l’Ontario, Paul Dubé, a annoncé les détails de son plan pour pourvoir le poste de commissaire aux services en français au sein de son bureau. M. Dubé choisira le nouveau/la nouvelle commissaire avec l’aide d’un comité d’experts : Michel A. Carrier (Commissaire aux langues officielles du Nouveau-Brunswick par intérim), et Linda Cardinal (professeure à l’Université d’Ottawa et autorité reconnue à l’échelle internationale sur les droits linguistiques).
14. August 2019
ENNHRI has submitted a third-party intervention to the European Court of Human Rights in the cases of Strøbye v. Denmark and Rosenlind v. Denmark concerning the right to vote for individuals who are under legal guardianship or deprived of their legal capacity. Led by the National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) of Denmark (Danish Institute for Human Rights), the submission underlines that voting rights cannot be withdrawn solely based on a disability.
14. August 2019
The NPM team visited yesterday two health care institutions in Niš. The visit was paid to the Psychiatric Clinic of the Clinical Center Niš after it was announced and in accordance with the plan of visits for 2019, while the visit to the Center for Mental Health at the Clinical Center Niš was visited by NPM members without previous announcement.
14. August 2019
Se ha solicitado a colegios profesionales, Ministerio Público y municipalidades, de acuerdo a sus competencias, investigar y sancionar las referidas prácticas.
14. August 2019
On 24 June 2019, the Ombudsman of Israel, Judge (ret.) Joseph Haim Shapira, laid
on the table of the Israeli Parliament (Knesset) Annual Report 45 of the Office of the
Ombudsman for the year 2018.
14. August 2019
The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, today (14 August) announced the completion of a direct investigation by the Office of The Ombudsman on the Buildings Department (BD)’s implementation of the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme.
14. August 2019
The African Ombudsman and Mediators Association (AOMA) recently released the 12th issue of its newsletter "African Ombudsman Today". It has a special emphasis on celebrating female Ombudsman as August is marked as the women’s month in South Africa.
12. August 2019
El diputado del Común, Rafael Yanes, trasladó días atrás al responsable de la plataforma "Canarias 1.500 kilómetros de costa", Sebastián Quintana, la investigación de oficio para conocer el estado de los planes de seguridad de los ayuntamientos canarios costeros. Solo 33 ayuntamientos han aportado los datos de sus necesidades económicas para el plan de prevención.