19. Juni 2019
La Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación de Argentina publica el Boletín Estadístico Nº14 correspondiente al primer trimestre de 2019. Allí se encuentran datos relacionados a los fenómenos estructurales del sistema carcelario en Argentina.
19. Juni 2019
Continuously with its constitutional powers, the Control Yuan (CY) has maintained its independent and impartial position and been meticulous in its approach to bringing overall improvement to government, protecting human rights, and promoting good governance. CY recently published the 2018 Annual Report with explanation of its achievements and performance.
19. Juni 2019
Nova Scotia's highest court has reaffirmed the power of the provincial ombudsman's office to investigate allegations against government departments and agencies. In a decision, the Appeal Court ruled the Ombudsman's office has the authority to receive unredacted records from the Department of Health and Wellness, after the province had objected to releasing the documents in full.
19. Juni 2019
On April 5th, a public hearing on the “National Human Rights agenda: UN Universal Periodic Review” was held in the National Assembly of Armenia with the participation of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia and civil society organizations, representatives of public authorities, media, diplomatic missions and international organizations.


19. Juni 2019
The recently published Guidelines on safeguarding privacy in the media by the Council of Europe aim to be an instrument of practical advice to media professionals and refers to relevant case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. The second part of the publication concerns the application of data protection principles in the context of journalism.


18. Juni 2019
Compartimos el micro radial emitido en el programa “Este es el plan” de Radio Universidad de Rosario y realizado en colaboración con la Defensoría de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes de Santa Fe. 
18. Juni 2019
In his role of Ombudsman for Future Generations in Hungary, Dr. Gyula Bándi hosts the Secretariat for the Network of Institutions for Future Generations in his office. The Network of Institutions for Future Generations (NIFG) is pleased to share its SDG discussion paper entitled: "Looking to 2030 and Beyond - How Institutions for Future Generations Can Assist in SDG Implementation”.
17. Juni 2019
The Portuguese Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, concluded the proceedings for compensation to the relatives and heirs of the five mortal victims of the collapse of the Municipal Road 255, which took place on November 19, 2018, in the borough of Borba, Portugal.