16. Dezember 2019
The Ombudsman of Hong Kong, Ms Winnie Chiu, today (12 December) announced the completion of a direct investigation into the arrangements for depositing layout plans of public pleasure grounds (PPGs) in the Land Registry (LR) by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD). The investigation report has been uploaded to the website of the Office of The Ombudsman for public information.


16. Dezember 2019
Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass has begun investigating the use and authorisation of corporate credit cards at Warrnambool City Council. The investigation follows media reports that a former Council manager resigned earlier this year after misusing a Council credit card.
16. Dezember 2019
The 41st Annual Conference of the United States Ombudsman Association (USOA) will be hosted by the Child and Family Ombudsman, Traci Shinabarger, and held in Helena, Montana from 16 – 18 September 2020. Save the date!
16. Dezember 2019
Voici quelques jours, la Médiatrice de la Communauté germanophone et le collaborateur germanophone du Médiateur de la Wallonie et de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, étaient présents sur le Marché de la Sainte-Catherine à Saint-Vith.
16. Dezember 2019
The Ombudsman Institution of Turkey was pleased to have successfully hosted the “2nd Istanbul International Ombudsman Conference”, which took place from 18 – 19 November 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey, which brought together around 150 participants from 57 countries of different continents, representing various national and international Ombudsman institutions as well as Human Rights Commissions.
16. Dezember 2019
Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé today called on the Regional Municipality of Niagara to improve its practices after his investigation found its hiring of former Chief Administrative Officer Carmen D’Angelo was “compromised” by confidential information leaked by insiders in the former Regional Chair’s office.
16. Dezember 2019
L’Ombudsman de l’Ontario Paul Dubé a demandé aujourd’hui à la Municipalité régionale de Niagara d’améliorer ses pratiques, l’enquête menée par lui ayant conclu que le processus d’embauche de l’ancien directeur général, Carmen D’Angelo, avait été « compromis » en raison de fuites de renseignements confidentiels orchestrées de l’intérieur au bureau de l’ancien président régional.
13. Dezember 2019
For all delegates who travel to Dublin and may require a visa: Information about visa and passport requirements for travelling to Ireland are available on the conference website.


Participantes que viajarán a Dublín podrían requerir de visa. Información y requisitos actuales de visa y pasaporte están disponible en la página web de la conferencia.


Note pour tous les délégués qui voyageront à Dublin et qui auront besoin d’un visa : Retrouvez toutes les informations sur les exigences en matière de visa et de passeport pour entrer en Irlande sur le site internet de la Conférence.