24. Mai 2019
The Council of the Europe Commissioner for Human Rights published a recommendation providing a number of steps which national authorities can take to maximise the potential of artificial intelligence systems and prevent or mitigate the negative impact they may have on people’s lives and rights.
24. Mai 2019
The annual IOI Board Meeting was held from 14 – 17 May 2018 in Mérida, Mexico. Raúl González Pérez, Mexican Ombudsman and President of the Mexican National Human Rights Commission, and his office generously hosted the event.
22. Mai 2019
Ombudsman Toronto's 2018 Annual Report, now available, celebrates a decade of listening, investigating and improving City services. The Annual Report highlights the results of some of the 2125 cases the office handled in 2018.
21. Mai 2019
The Office of the Ombudsman has added a new section to their website.  Summaries of selected cases can be found under the “Outcomes” tab at Ombudsman.ky.  These summaries provide insight into specific cases dealt with by the Ombudsman and include details about the resolution of those cases. 
21. Mai 2019
The Government in New Zealand has announced a proposal aimed at strengthening the independent oversight of the Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children systems and children’s issues. The package includes a proposal to give the Ombudsman an enhanced role in overseeing complaints and investigations relating to children and young people in state custody.
21. Mai 2019
The Azerbaijani Ombudsman participated in the conference jointly organized with the Council of Europe, the Ombudsman Office, the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs and the Press Council on “Gender Equality and Media” devoted to the 70th anniversary of the CoE and the centenary of women’s suffrage in Azerbaijan.
20. Mai 2019
El Yuan de Control inició una investigación sobre la situación laboral de las personas con discapacidad con el fin de proteger sus derechos humanos fundamentales y defender sus oportunidades laborales. En la investigación se descubrió que las personas con discapacidad se enfrentan a situaciones difíciles como una baja tasa de participación en el mercado laboral, una alta tasa de desempleo, un salario bajo, incluido el trabajo atípico y dificultades para llegar a fin de mes.
17. Mai 2019
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, addressed a suggestion for a legislative amendment to the Minister of Labor Solidarity and Social Security in order to revising the invalidity pensions of the two social protection regimes which were penalized by the sustainability factor on the date of their assignment or when they were convoked in old-age pensions at 65 years of age.