13. November 2019
A former Council employee at the Mildura Cemetery Trust in Victoria, Australia, misused his position for personal benefit and made careless mistakes that distressed grieving families, Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass has found. Her investigation looked into allegations about the employee, who worked at Mildura’s Nichols Point and Murray Pines cemeteries from 1993 to August 2018.
12. November 2019
At the Presentation Ceremony of The Ombudsman’s Awards on 8 November 2019, the Ombudsman of Hong Kong, China, Ms Winnie Chiu, emphasised that the promotion of good public administration is the primary focus of the Office of The Ombudsman’s work. Following its complaint handling and direct investigations, the Office makes recommendations for improvement and proactively monitors the progress of implementation. In addition to holding the annual Awards, the Office has introduced a new incentive of issuing appreciation letters to public officers in recognition of their efforts to resolve complaints.
12. November 2019
A new edition of the book “Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice: A Treatise on Technology and Dispute Resolution” is in preparation. The chapter on ODR and Ombudsmanship will be updated and will investigate the uptake (or not) of technology assisted Ombudsman work. You are kindly asked to contribute to the survey.
11. November 2019
The Ombudsman Institution of Azerbaijan and the State Committee on Affairs with Religious Associations, Law and Human Rights Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences jointly organized a conference on “Religion and Human Rights” in Baku.
8. November 2019
Después de un proceso de selección que evaluó el trabajo que realiza la institución por  garantizar  el  acceso  a  la  información,  su  nivel  de  autonomía,  así  como  el alcance  nacional  de  sus  decisiones,  la  Defensoría  del  Pueblo  del  Perú  ha  sido incorporada como miembro de la Conferencia Internacional de Comisionados de la Información (ICIC, por sus siglas en inglés).
8. November 2019
A l’occasion des 30 ans de la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant, l’Association des Ombudsmans et Médiateurs de la Francophonie (l’AOMF) et l'Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie (l’APF) ont organisé une conférence commune sur « Les droits de l’enfant, priorité pour les Parlementaires et les Médiateurs de la Francophonie ».
7. November 2019
The draft decision of the Armenian Government on making changes in the internal regulation of places for keeping arrestees in the RA Police system was submitted for the opinion of the Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia. The study of the project indicates that it fully reflects the recommendations made by the Ombudsman.
7. November 2019
Con motivo del Día Mundial del Ombudsman, el Síndic ha compartido el contenido de la resolución del CoE con defensorías europeas, locales y universitarias. La resolución aprobada recomienda a los estados miembros que adopten las medidas oportunas para preservar las instituciones de ombudsman