17. Oktober 2019
Selon le baromètre réalisé en 2016 par le Défenseur des droits de la France et l’Organisation internationale du travail, l’apparence physique est le 2ème critère de discrimination cité par les demandeurs d’emploi dans leur accès à l’emploi (29% pour les femmes et 20% pour les hommes). Pourtant, le sujet semble peu porté et le contentieux est très faible, tant parce que les victimes de discrimination ont du mal à apporter des éléments probants, que parce que dans leur esprit comme dans celui des recruteurs la prise en compte de l’apparence physique reste trop souvent tolérée, sans prise de conscience de son caractère potentiellement discriminatoire pourtant prévu dans la loi. 
17. Oktober 2019
En el marco de la XIV Conferencia Regional sobre Mujeres de América Latina y el Caribe, que se llevará a cabo en Vitacura Santiago de Chile desde el 4 al 8 de noviembre, la Alianza Global del Ombudsperson Local (AGOL) organizará un evento paralelo. El evento "las Defensorías del Pueblo Locales y los Derechos de las Mujeres" tendrá lugar el 5 de noviembre, a las 12 hs en el Auditorio, de La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), ubicada en Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3241, Vitacura.  
17. Oktober 2019
In 2018, the Office of the Ombudsman for the Basque Country has  published a Special Report on “The Energy Transition in the Basque Country: Towards a Sustainable Model”. The Executive Summary of this Report has now been translated into English. The report shows that Ombudsman institutions can become involved and take the initiative in a highly complex and technical issue such as climate change which is becoming acuter every day and one of the top concerns of the citizens Ombudsman institutions serve. It can also be a tool to enhance the public’s participation in holding environmental authorities accountable.
14. Oktober 2019
En el 2017 el Departamento de Investigaciones de la Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación Argentina (PPN) diseñó el Proyecto de seguimiento y actualización de la investigación realizada en el año 2007 sobre Malos Tratos y Torturas en cárceles federales que se denominó: “A 10 años de Cuerpos Castigados”.


14. Oktober 2019
Following visits to the country's Educational Centers (EC), the Ombudsman of Portugal, acting as head of the National Prevention Mechanism (NPM), made a recommendation in February 2019 to the Directorate General for Reinsertion and Prison Services (DGRSP) to overcome several identified shortcomings. The recommendation of the Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, urged the DGRSP to install, in articulation with the health authorities, still this year, a therapeutic unit for the treatment of acute cases diagnosed in the mental health panorama.
14. Oktober 2019
A three judge bench of the Court of Appeal of Kenya has ruled that the determinations and recommendations of the Commission on Administrative Justice, also known as Office of the Ombudsman, have the force of law hence are binding on public institutions. The landmark decision was made on 26th September 2019.
11. Oktober 2019
Yesterday, 10 October 2019, was the World Ombudsman´s Day. On this occasion, IOI Regional President of Europe, Rafael Ribó, shared some thoughts and highlighted an initiative by the Council of Europe.
10. Oktober 2019
The Secretariat of the International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) has accepted the request submitted by the Catalan Ombudsman to join this organization. Membership at the ICIC represents an opportunity to connect with other authorities around the world to identify trends, good practices and strategic priorities.