2. Oktober 2019
It is with deep sadness that the IOI has learned that Mr Herman Wuyts, first Federal Ombudsman of Belgium, passed away on 27 September 2019. Mr Wuyts held the position as Regional Vice-President of the IOI’s European Region from 2000-2004. He was an esteemed colleague and our heartfelt condolences go out to his family and friends in this difficult time.
1. Oktober 2019
Poor information and inadequate access to legal assistance often prevent defendants in criminal proceedings from full access to justice, as FRA latest report reveals. It points to where Member States should improve information flows and legal representation to uphold defendants’ rights.
1. Oktober 2019
From 30 August to 8 September 2019 Chief Ombudsman of Thailand and IOI Treasurer Mr. Viddhavat Rajatanun led a delegation consisting of Ombudsman Boon Tapanadul, Ombudsman Somsak Suwansujarit, Secretary-General Raksagecha Chaechai, and staff from the office of the Ombudsman Thailand (OMT), to Perth, Western Australia and Wellington New Zealand.
1. Oktober 2019
El 30 de noviembre el defensor del Pueblo de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina, Raúl Lamberto, y la ministra de Innovación y Cultura, María de los Ángeles González, firmaron, en las instalaciones de la plataforma Lavarden de la ciudad de Rosario, un convenio que tiene por objeto acordar el establecimiento de tareas conjuntas tendientes a la difusión de los bienes culturales de la Provincia.
1. Oktober 2019
En 2011, le Médiateur fédéral avait expressément demandé qu’un service de plaintes soit créé au sein de chaque administration fédérale. L’administration peut parfois directement apporter une solution au problème car chacun peut se tromper ou il peut y avoir un malentendu.
1. Oktober 2019
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary Ákos Kozma – who took office this Thursday – would like to work particularly on solving the problems of people turning to the Ombudsman and protecting the rights of children and vulnerable groups. In his interview given to the Hungarian News Agency he also emphasized that he wishes to preserve the independent and non-political nature of the ombudsman institution.
30. September 2019
The Ombudsman participated on September 20 at the 42nd Session of the Human Rights Council - which took place in Geneva from 9 to 27 - where the report of the Universal Periodic Examination of Human Rights to Portugal was discussed and adopted.
27. September 2019
Due to recent media reports of alleged tortuture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment meted out to two journalists, CHRAJ found it appropriate to issue an Advisory in accordance with the Paris Principles which vest National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) with general responsibility to advise Government, Parliament and other authorities by giving and issuing “opinions, recommendations, proposals and reports”.