29. Jänner 2018
The Commission has reached out to the National Assembly’s Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs in an effort to advance administrative justice in the public sector. The interaction coincides with the induction retreat for members of the newly constituted Committee which is taking place between 26th to 28th January, 2018, in Mombasa.
29. Jänner 2018
La Defensoría del Pueblo de la provincia de Santa Fe informa que el Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia 27/2018 modificó entre otros la Ley 24.240 de Defensa del Consumidor y la Ley 25.065 de Tarjetas de Crédito, otorgando a las empresas la facultad de determinar el modo en que remitirán la facturación por los servicios que prestan a usuarios y consumidores.
26. Jänner 2018
Ten financial institutions in Taiwan are currently participating in a program focused on implementing the government's senior citizen reverse mortgage policy. An investigation of the Control Yuan has resulted in specific recommendations to the government for further improving the program.
26. Jänner 2018
The UN Secretary-General welcomes applications for the position of United Nations Ombudsman. In order to ensure a wide pool of candidates for this position, the Secretariat would welcome any applications to supplement the Secretary-General’s own search and consultations. Women candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications must be sent to the Secretariat of the UN or to eosgapplications201712@un.org by 19 February 2018.
26. Jänner 2018
The Estonian Chancellor of Justice, Ms Ülle Madise, hosted a two-day workshop in Tallinn to provide an overview of the contemporary challenges in the digital society. The event was co-funded by the IOI.
26. Jänner 2018
On behalf of the IOI community, IOI President Peter Tyndall and IOI Secretary General Kräuter expressed their concerns regarding the current developments affecting the Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Ecuador and its current incumbent, Ombudsman Dr. Ramiro Rivadeneira Silva.
25. Jänner 2018
The Ombudsman of Hong Kong invites IOI members to watch the TV drama series jointly produced by her Office and local TV station. These TV drama series, first of its kind, are based on actual complaint cases handled by the Office.
25. Jänner 2018
La Defensora de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes de Santa Fe Analía Colombo, recibió a Cristina Morla y Sergio Gigliotti, pareja que alojó durante casi dos años a un niño en el marco del programa provincial Familia Solidaria.