25. Jänner 2018
Over the last year, the Human Rights Defender of Armenia published various reports and legal analyses on its activities and the general human rights situation in 2016. A list of all available reports has now been completed, including documents available in English and/or French.
24. Jänner 2018
The consultation on the content of the 2018 Conference of the European Chapter of the IOI, “The Ombudsman in an open and participative society” is ongoing. The Federal Ombudsman would be very grateful to receive your contribution by 9 February 2018 at ombudsman@federalombudsman.be. If the time frame to answer is too short, please feel free to focus on the topic most relevant to your office.
23. Jänner 2018
On November 1, the ACRC announced that e-People was selected as an Excellent Administrative Service and inducted into the hall of fame, as one of the top 50 persons and services selected by citizens in the Ministry of the Interior and Safety(MOIS)’s 50th Anniversary Commemoration Event of Korea’s e-government.
23. Jänner 2018
El Procurador Penitenciario de la Nación emitió el pasado 5 de enero la recomendación N° 873 dirigida al Director Nacional del Servicio Penitenciario Federal con el propósito de requerir que se implemente un abordaje integral de los consumos problemáticos en contextos de encierro, en el cual la conducción de los Centros de Rehabilitación de Drogadependientes (CRD) se encuentre en manos de profesionales de la salud mental.
23. Jänner 2018
The review into aspects of the Pay As You Go (PAYG) instalments system is the first Inspector-General of Taxation (IGT) review to be undertaken in direct response to insights drawn from the IGT’s complaint handling service. The IGT has recommended a number of improvements to the Australian Taxation Office's (ATO) taxpayer communication and guidance materials as well as internal staff education and support.
23. Jänner 2018
La Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) presentó ante la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) una acción de inconstitucionalidad contra distintos artículos de la Ley de Seguridad Interior (LSI) que generan la posibilidad de que se vulneren derechos humanos y libertades básicas reconocidas en favor de las y los mexicanos, además de afectar los gobernados en el diseño, equilibrio y facultades establecidas constitucionalmente entre la Federación y los estados, las instituciones, órganos del Estado y Poderes.
18. Jänner 2018
The mass arrivals in Europe of people fleeing from danger in their countries put children in a very vulnerable situation. They are exposed to the risk of physical violence, sexual abuse and psychological suffering in addition to material hardship. Whether they are refugees or migrants, children are at the centre of all Council of Europe actions involving migratory issues.
18. Jänner 2018
In many parts of the EU, civil society is under threat, finds a new report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Given the vital role civil society plays in upholding democratic processes and in promoting human rights, decision makers need to ensure the important work of civil society is not undermined through policy and legal changes and funding cuts.