1. Februar 2018
In the coming weeks the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body will be considering the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman’s (SPSO) draft revised Strategic Plan. The revised Plan covers the SPSO’s vision and strategic aims for 2018-2020. It is available at the bottom of this page, along with the covering letter to the SPCB. The SPSO invites comments, from individuals and organisation, about all aspects of the draft Plan. The consultation is open until 28 February 2018.
1. Februar 2018
The Ombudsman Sindh Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik organized a seminar on “Challenges of Health Care System in Sindh – Role of Provincial Ombudsman Sindh” which focused on the existing health facilities, identifying gaps and devising innovative strategies for improved service delivery, effective polio immunization campaign in Sindh Province.
30. Jänner 2018
In 2017, the Parliamentary Ombudsman received a record number of 6,192 complaints, which is an increase of almost 1,300 complaints from 2016 (4,922 complaints). Complaints against the Social Insurance Institution (Kela) totalled 1,169, and 814 of them concerned social assistance, therefore increasing by about 700 compared to 2016. The criminal sanctions field, social insurance and labour and unemployment security were other administrative branches that saw a clear increase in the number of complaints.


30. Jänner 2018
Raymond Théberge took office as Commissioner of Official Languages on January 29, 2018. He has a PhD in linguistics from McGill University, a master’s degree in applied linguistics from the University of Ottawa and a bachelor’s degree in history from the Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface. He held a number of leadership positions before coming to the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, and he has significant experience with official language minority communities. He also has extensive experience in academia and has worked across Canada.
30. Jänner 2018
Ombudsman Peter Tyndall has published a commentary on his Office’s experience of dealing with complaints from refugees and asylum seekers living in direct provision centres.  In ‘The Ombudsman & Direct Provision – The story so far’, the Ombudsman says that sometimes residents are reluctant to complain and some complaints arise as a result of cultural differences.  As a result the Ombudsman’s office has worked with the Reception and Integration Agency, and residents and managers in 35 centres around the country to seek to improve services.
29. Jänner 2018
The United States Ombudsman Association (USOA) will hold its 2018 Annual Conference from 24 – 28 September 2018 in Portland, Oregon at the Courtyard Marriott, Portland City Center. The USOA Conference and Planning Committee is seeking speakers and session presenters interested in sharing their subject matter expertise.
29. Jänner 2018
Tenemos derecho a exigir a los poderes públicos medidas para garantizar la adecuada protección del medio ambiente, para disfrutar de nuestro derecho a vivir en un medio ambiente sano. Igualmente, las personas tenemos la obligación de contribuir a esa protección y defensa de nuestro entorno. Para ello, la educación medioambiental es fundamental e indispensable y por lo tanto, el Síndic de Greuges de la Comunitat Valenciana informó al público sobre estos temas el día 26 de enero.
29. Jänner 2018
Suite aux débats parlementaires qui ont suivi la parution d’un article dans un quotidien intitulé « 3 000 malades mentaux parqués dans des maisons pirates », l’absence de cadre juridique concernant l’existence et le fonctionnement des SHNA a été constatée. Plusieurs députés wallons ont introduit une proposition de décret relative à l’hébergement et à l’encadrement à durée indéterminée pour personnes en difficultés sociales.