6. Februar 2018
El Defensor del Pueblo, en su condición de Mecanismo Nacional de Prevención de la Tortura y otros tratos crueles y degradantes (MNP) ha puesto en marcha un sistema digital para obtener un mapa con todos los lugares de privación de libertad que existen en España y su situación actual.
6. Februar 2018
The Office of the Ombudsman (Malawi) is hosting the African regional training on "The role of Ombudsman Institutions in promoting and enforcing accountability ethics" as well as the 14th AOMA Executive Committee meeting from 5 - 9 February 2018 . The training will be held in the framework of the IOI's annual regional subsidy program and attended by IOI President Peter Tyndall.
5. Februar 2018
The Public Services Ombudsman investigated a complaint by Belfast City Airport Watch Limited (BCAWL) regarding the actions of the Department of Environment in relation to George Best Belfast City Airport in failing to enforce the 2008 Planning Agreement between it and the Airport as well as concerning the handling of BCAWL’s complaint by the Department. The Ombudsman identified five instances of maladministration by the Department and made recommendations on the matter.


5. Februar 2018
El defensor del Pueblo santafesino participó este viernes de la audiencia pública convocada por Enress para definir el nuevo cuadro tarifario de Aguas Santafesinas SA. Solicitó instaurar un sistema que garantice el acceso de todos los santafesinos al agua potable.
5. Februar 2018
An investigation carried out by Ombudsman Peter Tyndall in 2017 found that some women who worked in the Magdalen laundries in Ireland were wrongly refused access to the Magdalen Restorative Justice scheme. On Wednesday 31 January 2018 Ombudsman Peter Tyndall appeared before the Justice and Equality Committee of the Irish Parliament to discuss the findings of his report.
2. Februar 2018
The Estonian Chancellor of Justice hosted an IOI workshop on „Human Rights in the Digital Age“ from 23 - 24 January 2018 in Tallinn. Presentations and photos are now accessible in the member area of this website.
1. Februar 2018
The Public Protector of Zambia made her maiden appearance before  a select Committee of the National Assembly  on Legal  Affairs, Human Rights, National Guidance, Gender Matters and Governance on 31 January 2018, to review the operations of the Office .
1. Februar 2018
Ms Connie Lau, The Ombudsman held a press conference on February 1 to announce the results of two direct investigations, namely “The Mechanism of the Food and Health Bureau and the Department of Health for Handling Smoking Offences” and “Government’s Control over Fly-tipping of Construction Waste and Landfilling Activities on Private Land”.