17. Oktober 2017
The Western Australian Ombudsman has tabled his 2016-17 annual report in Parliament in September 2017.
12. Oktober 2017
The Ombudsman of Hong Kong, Ms Connie Lau, hosted the 21st Presentation Ceremony of The Ombudsman’s Awards on 11 October 2017. At the Ceremony, she encouraged tripartite co-operation among the Office of the Ombudsman, members of the public and organisations under complaint to bring about further enhancement in the quality and efficiency of public administration through the lodging and handling of complaints.
12. Oktober 2017
Councils are putting foster children at a disadvantage compared to their peers when it comes to school transport, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has found. The Ombudsman is now asking councils across England to check their approach after it emerged foster children living further away from school than their peers were being treated differently by Warwickshire County Council.
12. Oktober 2017
During an investigation concerning the separation of a prisoner from the general population for 66 days, the Ombudsman South Australia found that the Department of Correctional Services had, first, failed to document confidential intelligence and an operational risk assessment to justify its decision. Second, the Department's direction that a prisoner be kept separately and apart from other prisoners was unjust and oppressive. The Ombudsman is concerned that the Department has indicated that it may not implement some of his recommendations.
11. Oktober 2017
On 28 September 2017, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. László Székely and experts from our Office (OPCAT experts Head of Department Dr. Gergely Fliegauf and Deputy Head of Department Dr. Katalin Haraszti) paid a visit to the Sopronkőhida Prison together with three experts from the Austrian Ombudsman Board, in order to exchange their experience focusing on the OPCAT NPM.
11. Oktober 2017
Ombudsman Toronto released its Enquiry Report recommending that the City of Toronto repay $462,000 to a senior after selling his house in a tax sale.
11. Oktober 2017
La Defensoría de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes de Santa Fe participa junto a UNICEF Argentina del V Seminario Internacional de Inversión Social en la Infancia “En busca de la incidencia para proteger y mejorar la asignación de recursos para la niñez”.
10. Oktober 2017
On 15 September 2017 Commissioner for Human Rights Adam Bodnar presented a report on the status of the observance of human rights in Poland to the Sejm.