20. Oktober 2017
The Chancellor of Justice, Ülle Madise, addressed the Constitutional Committee of the Riigikogu to initiate changing the laws that in their current wording do not allow sufficiently preventing or restraining corruption in cities and rural municipalities.
20. Oktober 2017
Con el objetivo de abordar la problemática de la tortura ejercida en centros de detención y prevenir este tipo de prácticas, se realizó la Jornada Internacional “Experiencias y Mejores Prácticas en la Prevención de la Tortura en el Cono Sur” durante los días 4 y 5 de octubre de 2017.
20. Oktober 2017
On 17 October 2017 the IOI Executive Committee (ExCom) held its first mid-term meeting by electronic means. In a videoconference the members of the Executive Committee discussed the progress of projects decided and approved by the IOI Board of Directors in Vienna in April 2017.
20. Oktober 2017
Emite CNDH recomendación al gobierno de Oaxaca, Fiscalía general del estado, Comisionado Nacional de Seguridad y Procurados General de la Repúblic, por violaciones graves a derechos humanos en los hechos de violencia ocurridos en Nochixtlán, Oaxaca, el pasado 16 de junio de 2016. El operativo para liberar vialidades no fue debidamente diseñado, preparado, coordinado y ejecutado, ni se observaron plenamente los protocolos de actuación, sobre todo por lo que hace al uso legítimo de la fuerza y la necesidad de priorizar mecanismos y técnicas no violentas antes de utilizar la fuerza contra la población.


19. Oktober 2017
The Queensland Ombudsman is a proud partner supporting the Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference (APSACC) to be held 15-16 November. APSACC is Australia’s premier corruption and misconduct prevention forum. It offers 70+ speakers, 22+ sessions and six interactive workshops and brings together local and international professionals from all tiers of the public sector.
19. Oktober 2017
Seimas Ombudsman Raimondas Šukys and the adviser of the Human Rights Division of the Seimas Ombudsmen's Office, Kristina Brazevic attended the Baltic-Nordic Ombudsmen annual meeting in Stockholm, where they discussed issues related to the prevention of torture and the harmonization of different mandates in a daily work of an ombudsperson.
19. Oktober 2017
At a press conference held at the premises of the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia on Tuesday, 5 September 2017, Human Rights Ombudsman Vlasta Nussdorfer and Deputy Ombudsman Ivan Šelih presented a special report, which the Ombudsman had sent to the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia the previous day. The report considers the issue of overcrowded secure wards in social care institutions (particularly special social care institutions) and difficulties faced by persons with a mental disorder in these wards, drawing attention to violations of their right to personal dignity.
18. Oktober 2017
Le Défenseur des droits, lance une nouvelle campagne de communication sur les radios à destination du grand public du 16 octobre au 6 novembre.Cette campagne vise à faire savoir que le Défenseur des droits est un recours face aux difficultés rencontrées dans l’accès aux droits. Cette campagne vise, ainsi, à mieux informer la population sur les différents domaines de compétence du Défenseur des droits, le recours qu’il représente et la protection qu’il peut apporter par le droit.