28. September 2017
On 27 September, IOI Secretary General Dr. Günther Kräuter used the opportunity of the IOI Workshop for NPMs in Vienna for a special meeting with Ms. Tebogo Titose Mapodisi, Acting Chief Legal Investigator and Head of Regional Office of the Botswana Ombudsman.
28. September 2017
The Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, on September 28, declared a direct investigation into the Government’s planning and arrangements for ancillary facilities for electric private vehicles to examine whether there are any improprieties.
28. September 2017
As the deputy commissioner for the rights of national minorities in Hungary, Dr. Elisabeth Sándor-Szalay published a statement regarding the importance of the European Day of Languages, since it focuses on the linguistic diversity of the European continent.
28. September 2017
Pour faire valoir ses droits, il faut d’abord les connaître! C’est pourquoi le Défenseur des droits a lancé Educadroit. Cette nouvelle initiative entend mieux faire comprendre aux enfants et aux jeunes le rôle et les modalités d’élaboration du droit.
28. September 2017
Developing skills in order to optimize interaction and communication with challenging conversation partners was the main aim of the third NPM workshop which was held in Vienna from 25 – 27 September 2017 and which brought 29 participants from 21 different countries together to experience a three-day workshop of shared learning.
27. September 2017
El viernes finalizó el seminario “La niñez y la adolescencia en radio y televisión. Desafíos y propuestas” realizado en conjunto con la Defensoría del Público de la Nación y Centro de Comunicación y Educación de la Facultad de Ciencia Política y RR II de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario en la Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales.
26. September 2017
In the Czech city of Brno, an annual V4 meeting was held of ombudspersons from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. In the adopted declaration "Human Rights for Everyone", the Visegrad Group ombudspersons emphasized their common goals and values, as well as the significance of the institution of ombudsman maintaining independence of the authorities. Thanks to such independence, the ombudspersons may support ordinary people in their conflicts with the state.
26. September 2017
La Procuración Penitenciaria se presentó en calidad de “Amigo del Tribunal” ante la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación por el derecho al voto de las personas condenadas.