25. September 2017
The Ombudsman institution of Ireland has published the September 2017 edition of The Ombudsman's Casebook. In this publication the institution shares summaries of some of the cases Ombudsman Peter Tyndall recently examined.
25. September 2017
The Annual Report 2016 of the Ombudsman for Bermuda has been tabled in the House of Assembly and is now available to the public. The Ombudsman's Annual Report details the work of the Office from 1 January to 31 December 2016.
25. September 2017
Con el objetivo general de abordar la problemática de las mujeres privadas de su libertad en el ámbito federal, el Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres y la Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación convocaron a organismos que trabajan en la materia para iniciar una agenda de trabajo articulada.
25. September 2017
Disability services provider Autism Plus and the Department of Health and Human Services put clients at risk by failing to move a group home resident who was accused of sexually assaulting vulnerable housemates. Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass said the events raised serious concerns about the suitability of Autism Plus to provide programs and care for DHHS clients.
22. September 2017
IOI President Peter Tyndall, General Secretary Günther Kräuter and the Vice-President of the European region of the IOI, Ms. Catherine De Bruecker attended the 20th anniversary of the People's Advocate Institution of Romania as well as the International Human Rights Conference hosted by the EOI in Bucharest from September 21-22.
21. September 2017
The Ombudsperson for Children of the Republic of Croatia has prepared a questionnaire on the role of psychology in the field of human rights and social justice in order to explore views of individual independent organizations for human rights and Ombudspersons' offices on the matter. IOI members are kindly requested to support this project by filling out the form and sending it back by 8 October 2017.
21. September 2017
“Independent, impartial and outreaching”; with these three terms Reinier van Zutphen, National Ombudsman of the Netherlands defined the central task of an ombudsman institute. He did so during a press conference at the office of the Polish ombudsman Mr Adam Bodnar. Mr Van Zutphen is also board member of the European Chapter of the de International Ombudsman Institute (IOI). The Dutch National Ombudsman visited his colleague for a two day meeting sharing best practices and experiences.
21. September 2017
The Judiciary Committee supported, with ten yes votes and two abstentions, that the National Assembly put the report on the activities of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights in 2016 on the agenda of its plenary meeting.