3. Februar 2017
Le 3 janvier 2017, M. Abdessattar Ben Moussa a été nommé au poste de médiateur administratif.
2. Februar 2017
The office of the Ombudsman in Ireland published the first edition of The Ombudsman's Casebook in 2017.
31. Jänner 2017
The Ombudsman of Spain (Defensor del Pueblo) reports on the Office’s activities in 2016 which – among other things – include the facilitated access to the Ombudsman’s services and statistics about the Office’s complaint handling as well as relevant undertakings and recommendations.
30. Jänner 2017
The experience of a grieving mother attempting to obtain a birth certificate for her dead child has sparked much needed improvements at the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, following a Victorian Ombudsman investigation.
30. Jänner 2017
La defensora de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes de Santa Fe, Analía Colombo, participó de la primera mesa de diálogo de la comisión de trabajo sobre la creación de un futuro Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal Juvenil convocada por el ministro de Justicia de la Nación, Germán Garavano.
30. Jänner 2017
Saskatchewan’s Ombudsman, Mary McFadyen, issued three reports on investigations into alleged conflicts of interest of municipal council members.
27. Jänner 2017
The 11th IOI World Conference took place from 13 - 19 November 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand. The theme of the conference was “Evolution of Ombudsmanship”. The conference papers and presentations are now available online.
26. Jänner 2017
Frente a los recientes fenómenos climáticos en el centro y sur del país que han dejado decenas de familias afectadas e innumerables daños materiales, la Defensoría del Pueblo (DP) recuerda a las autoridades regionales y locales la necesidad de elaborar y ejecutar planes de contingencia a fin de encarar estos eventos propios de esta época del año.