23. Februar 2017
Le Médiateur fédéral a réalisé une enquête sur le traitement des demandes d’autorisation de séjour pour raisons médicales. L’enquête révèle que les conditions de travail des médecins de l’Office des étrangers ne leur permettent pas toujours de suivre la déontologie médicale.
23. Februar 2017
Children involved in court proceedings often feel scared, ignored, and ill-informed, as a new report from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) shows. By asking children across different EU Member States about their experiences and views, this ground-breaking report shows how far we still have to go to make our justice systems child-friendly.
23. Februar 2017
Following a complaint from a young EU trainee, the European Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, has recommended that the European External Action Service (EEAS) pay all of its trainees an appropriate allowance to allow greater access for young people of all backgrounds.
21. Februar 2017
La Defensora de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes de Santa Fe, Analía Colombo, visitó este jueves la Unidad Penitenciaria N° 5 ubicada en Thedy 375, de la ciudad de Rosario para conocer las condiciones de alojamiento de las niñas y niños que residen en el lugar por estar sus madres privadas de la libertad.
21. Februar 2017
Lithuanian and Austrian partners will share their experience with the Office of the Ukrainian Ombudsman.
17. Februar 2017
Durante los últimos años la población privada de libertad en Argentina ha crecido de forma ininterrumpida. Esta tendencia se ha replicado en el Servicio Penitenciario Federal (SPF). Durante las primeras semanas de 2017 en las cárceles federales se ha vuelto a superar el récord histórico de personas detenidas.
17. Februar 2017
Mr Richard Glenn has been appointed as the Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman. Mr Glenn followed Colin Neave, who ended his term in December 2016 and who had served on the IOI Board of Directors as President of the IOI’s Australasian and Pacific Region from 2015 to 2016.
17. Februar 2017
Investigations of the Commission on Administrative Justice (Ombudsman) into the alleged uncoordinated and non-transparent recruitment process of an Eldoret-based hospital resulted in recommendations to confirm the complainants as long term employees under permanent and pensionable terms.