13. Dezember 2016
Ombudsman des vétérans, Guy PARENT, adresse un problème pour lequel il reçoit de nombreux appels de vétérans frustrés, et qui met en lumière une iniquité importante entre la Loi sur les pensions et la Nouvelle Charte des anciens combattants (NCAC).
13. Dezember 2016
The Victorian Ombudsman is seeking information from Victorians about their recent experiences with the provision of alcohol and drug rehabilitation services following contact with the criminal justice system.
13. Dezember 2016
On December 9, 2016, the National Assembly of Quebec passed the Act to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings relating to public bodies. With the assent to this Act, the Quebec Ombudsman is tasked, as of May 1, 2017, to handle the disclosure of wrongdoing with regard to all public bodies subject to the Act.
13. Dezember 2016
L’Assemblée nationale du Québec a adopté, le 9 décembre 2016, la Loi facilitant la divulgation d’actes répréhensibles à l’égard des organismes publics. Avec la sanction de cette loi, le Protecteur du citoyen du Québec se voit confier le mandat de traiter les divulgations d’actes répréhensibles commis à l’égard de tout organisme public visé par cette loi, à compter du 1er mai 2017.
7. Dezember 2016
Deputy-Ombudsman Jussi Pajuoja has published three decisions in which he criticises the actions of the police when carrying out searches of domiciles. One of the searches was carried out because of a suspected offence and the other two in order to find a defendant who was ordered to be brought before a district court.
7. Dezember 2016
En el Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer, la Defensoría del Pueblo porteña realizó una intervención callejera en Perú y Diagonal Sur y en Florida y Corrientes para distribuir un periódico que busca visibilizar y prevenir la violencia machista.
7. Dezember 2016
Several applications for IOI membership have been accepted by the IOI Board of Directors at its last meeting held prior to the 11th IOI World Conference in Bangkok in November 2016. The IOI extends a warm welcome to its new members!
5. Dezember 2016
Niall Muldoon, Ombudsman for Children, highlighted the need for the educational sector to be sufficiently agile and to adapt to the individual needs of each child following the launch of the Office’s recent “Education In Focus” report.