2. Dezember 2016
The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights declared this thesis during a round table "Personal identification of police officers and national guards as protection against arbitrary behavior: problems and solutions" which was held on 15 November 2016, at the Ombudsman's Office.


2. Dezember 2016
IOI Secretary General Günther Kräuter participated at an expert meeting on strengthening independence of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) in the OSCE region,which was held in Warsaw from 28 to 29 November 2016.
2. Dezember 2016
In a regional meeting held prior to the 11th IOI World Conference in Bangkok in November 2016, the IOI’s Caribbean and Latin American Region elected Ms Nilda Arduin (Ombudsman Sint Maarten) as the new Regional President.
1. Dezember 2016
The International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC2017) will be jointly hosted by the UK Information Commissioner and the Scottish Information Commissioner and held in Manchester from 20 – 21 September 2017.
30. November 2016
The Office of the Ombudsman New Zealand has published the Ombudsman Quarterly Review – Spring 2016. Follow this news item to read more about the Ombudsman’s work and most recent projects.
30. November 2016
Honourable Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh has been elected as President of International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) for the Asian Region.
29. November 2016
National preventive mechanisms (NPM) from 13 countries will gather in Zagreb on 29 and 30 November 2016 for the Conference of NPMs of the South-East Europe Network.
28. November 2016
El Ombudsman Nacional, Luis Raúl González Pérez, hizo un urgente llamado a los defensores de los derechos humanos de Iberoamérica para incidir y actuar de manera inmediata en la erradicación de la pobreza. Los convocó a pasar de los compromisos a las acciones en la erradicación de la pobreza en todas sus formas y dimensiones y afirmó que es el mayor desafío al que se enfrenta el mundo y constituye un requisito indispensable para la sostenibilidad.