19. Juli 2016
On 12-14 July, FRA provided intense training to 10 return monitors in cooperation with the Greek Ombudsman. This training course aimed at improving the knowledge of monitors on fundamental rights in the context of forced returns and readmissions, so they can translate this knowledge into action.
19. Juli 2016
The Forum of Canadian Ombudsman (FCO) will once again hold a course to explore pressing issues faced by professionals working in correctional facilities. Sessions have been developed by FCO members working and specializing in the field of corrections at both the provincial and federal levels.
19. Juli 2016
The Constitutional Court of St Maarten declares the complaint of the Ombudsman concerning not consulting the Council of Advice on the introduction of the Amendment to the Bill leading to the Integrity Chamber Ordinance well founded.
18. Juli 2016
The Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, released to the public the latest issue of her Annual Report. 
15. Juli 2016
The AOB is obliged to annually report and inform the SPT about its work under the OPCAT mandate. The report on the prevention of torture 2015 gives an account of the activities of the Austrian National Preventive Mechanism.
12. Juli 2016
Con el fin de facilitar la difusión y el acceso al contenido del Informe Anual 2015: la situación de los derechos humanos en las cárceles federales de Argentina producido por la Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación, se encuentra disponible online un resumen ejecutivo del mismo en versión español e inglés.
11. Juli 2016
The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman’s Office published its final Annual Report of the Assembly Ombudsman/Commissioner for Complaints (AOCC) for the 2015-16 year.
11. Juli 2016
L’Ombudsman pour les Pensions réceptionnait régulièrement des plaintes de fonctionnaires pensionnés portant sur le retard structurel et systématique de paiement de leur pension du fait que ce paiement avait lieu sur un compte bancaire à l’étranger.