21. Dezember 2015
In October 2015, representatives of national institutions of 20 countries of the world unanimously adopted the Kyiv Declaration on the "Role of NHRIs in Conflict and Post-conflict Situations" following results of work of a two-day international conference of the same name.
18. Dezember 2015
The Pacific Ombudsman Alliance (POA) issued its latest Newsletter for December 2015. The full Newsletter is available here.
18. Dezember 2015
On 16 December 2015, the newly appointed Polish Human Rights Defender Dr Adam Bodnar paid an inaugural visit to the General Secretariat of the IOI.
17. Dezember 2015
Save the Date: From 8 – 10 March 2016, an International Forum and an International Training Workshop for Asian Ombudsman subsidized by the IOI will take place in Tokyo, Japan.
15. Dezember 2015
The Québec Ombudsman received reports of major deficiencies in the quality of the care and services provided to the residents of a residential centre in Abitibi, primarily regarding basic care, nursing care, means of control, reprisals and harassment, and a nurse’s attitude and behaviour.
15. Dezember 2015
El Síndic de Greuges de Cataluña ha publicado su boletín mensual de diciembre 2015. La versión española está disponible aquí.
15. Dezember 2015
In 2014-15, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman carried out 4,000 investigations – ten times more than were completed in 2012-13. Rebecca Marsh, Executive Director of Operations and Investigations, explains the use of feedback to improve the service that people are expecting.
10. Dezember 2015
On December the 10th, the Office of the Ombudsman held a press conference to announce the results of two direct investigation reports.