JAPAN | International Forum “Administrative Grievance Resolution & the Ombudsman” and International Training Workshop for Asian Ombudsman “Watchdogs Bark”

Save the Date: From 8 – 10 March 2016, an International Forum and an International Training Workshop for Asian Ombudsman subsidized by the IOI will take place in Tokyo, Japan.

The International Forum “Administrative Grievance Resolution & the Ombudsman” - Enhancing transparency and responsiveness in public administration – and the International Training Workshop for Asian Ombudsman, featuring Mr. André Marin, former Ontario Ombudsman as a Trainer, are subsidized by the IOI in the form of scholarships. These scholarships are providing partial reimbursement of travel expenses for participants from Asian IOI member Institutions. An invitation with further information will be circulated to members when the arrangements have been finalized.

You can download the leaflet from below.

Source: Administrative Evaluation Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, Japan

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