5. Juni 2024
The new Ombudsman of Seychelles, Mr George Emmanuel Robert, was sworn in on Thursday, 16 May 2024, in a ceremony at State House. At the swearing-in ceremony, Mr Robert stated that he was truly honoured and humbled to have been appointed the fifth Ombudsman of Seychelles and is ready to work for the people of Seychelles to bring the office to the level that it was envisaged since its creation in 1993.
5. Juni 2024
En el salón Marcos Paz de Legislatura jujeña, profesionales del Instituto de Prevención, Promoción y Protección de los Derechos de la Mujer de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la provincia de Jujuy fueron recibidas por la comisión de Género.
5. Juni 2024
Le 29 mai 2024, le protecteur du citoyen, Marc-André Dowd, a transmis une lettre à la Commission des finances publiques. Il y commente le projet de loi no 62 – Loi visant principalement à diversifier les stratégies d’acquisition des organismes publics et à leur offrir davantage d’agilité dans la réalisation de leurs projets d’infrastructure. Ses constats et recommandations sont liés à des préoccupations en matière d’intégrité publique et de transparence.
5. Juni 2024
Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier has released a new guide to help anyone looking to disclose serious wrongdoing happening in their workplace. The Protected Disclosures  Act 2022 is about disclosing serious wrongdoing – sometimes called ‘whistle-blowing’ – and explains the procedures to be followed when making a disclosure, as well as the protections available to those who do make a disclosure.
5. Juni 2024
Stanislav Křeček and Vít Alexander Schorm have presented the Annual Report of their office for the year 2023. They welcomed the fact that ministries and authorities had successfully used the Ombudsman’s findings to correct maladministration in individual cases and to change inappropriate practices. On the other hand, they also drew attention to some topics that remained open, such as the transformation of large institutions for people with disabilities and, above all, the upcoming establishment of a children’s ombudsman.
5. Juni 2024
La Defensoría del Pueblo dio a conocer el reporte “Qué pasó con ellas” correspondiente al mes de mayo de 2024, en el que se revela un aumento de las cifras de alertas de mujeres desaparecidas respecto al mismo periodo del año anterior. En efecto, al cierre del quinto mes de este año puede evidenciarse un total de 2695 casos acumulados, lo que representa un aumento del 10 % en comparación al periodo comprendido entre enero y mayo de 2023, en que se reportaron 2445 alertas.
31. Mai 2024
Every two years the European Ombudsman holds an Award for Good Administration to recognise some of the exceptional work done by the EU administration. This year, the European Ombudsman decided to look back at some of the winning projects in various categories and to ask those responsible what makes their work special.
31. Mai 2024
The 2nd Italian Edition of the International Ombudsman Conference will be held on 12-13 September 2024, in Cassino (Italy). This event, strongly supported by Marino Fardelli, President of the National Coordination of Italian Civic Defenders and Civic Defender of the Lazio Region, as well as a member of the IOI Europe Board, represents an important opportunity for discussion and exchange of experiences.