23. Februar 2023
The Annual Report 2021/2022 of the Chancellor of Justice of Estonia is now available in English. To access the report, kindly click here.
23. Februar 2023
Le 14 février 2023, l’Institution du Médiateur de la République a organisé une journée d’interpellation à Dakar. A cette journée, étaient conviés les ONG, les OCB, les organisations de jeunes, les mouvements de femmes, les leaders religieux et coutumiers.
23. Februar 2023
ACRC conducted an integrity perception survey of 1,925 students at 97 middle and high schools to utilize the results in formulating anti-corruption policies to improve perceptions of the future generation. 64,7% of the youth said that making improper solicitations for the benefits of a certain person is "absolutely unacceptable". 
23. Februar 2023
The Public Protector, Mrs. Caroline Sokoni, and United Nations in Zambia Resident Coordinator, Ms. Beatrice Mutali, held a stakeholder engagement meeting to foster and enhance collaboration in the promotion of the rule of law and public administration.
22. Februar 2023
El Diputado del Común, Rafael Yanes, entregó al presidente del Parlamento de Canarias, Gustavo Matos, el Informe Anual de 2022 de la Diputación del Común.
22. Februar 2023
La síndica de greuges de Cataluña, Esther Giménez-Salinas, se ha desplazado a Bruselas y Estrasburgo para reunirse con diferentes autoridades europeas. El 16 de febrero 2023, se ha reunido en Estrasburgo con Dunja Mijatović, comisaria europea de Derechos Humanos.
22. Februar 2023
Surrey County Council has agreed to review how it arranges and monitors special educational needs support for children and young people in the county following a Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman investigation.
22. Februar 2023
Le 14 février 2023, le Médiateur wallon, Marc Bertrand, a reçu la Síndica de Greuges de Catalunya, la Sra. Esther Giménez-Salinas.