17. Mai 2023
The Greek Ombudsman held a conference on "Police arbitrariness and racist motivation" on Tuesday, 2 May 2023, in the hall of the Thessaloniki Bar Association.
17. Mai 2023
Les 9 et 10 mai, l’État français a été auditionné par le Comité des droits de l’enfant des Nations Unies dans le cadre du 6e examen de la France sur l’effectivité de la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant (CIDE).
En France, le Défenseur des droits est l'organisation reconnue par le Comité pour veiller au respect des droits de l’enfant. Dans le cadre du 6e examen périodique de la France, actuellement en cours, le Défenseur des droits est intervenu pour apporter son expertise aux différentes étapes clés de la procédure.
17. Mai 2023
On 3.4.2023 - 6.4.2023, the UN open-ended working group on ageing convened in New York and discussed different aspects of the challenges facing countries pertaining to the rights of older persons.
17. Mai 2023
Ombudsman Grace Malera has been recognized as one of the 100 inspiring women in the country for the year 2023, courtesy of Wealth Malawi, whose focus is honoring and celebrating phenomenal women and female leaders.
17. Mai 2023
Toronto’s Ombudsman says the City clearly has more work to do to ensure it serves people fairly. In his 2022 Annual Report released on 25 April 2023, Kwame Addo cites the record increase in complaints to his office, noting that "whether it was through unclear communication, inaccessible services, or inconsistent decision making, the City was not always putting the public first.”
15. Mai 2023
Les hacemos llegar el 71. Reporte Internacional de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).
15. Mai 2023
The International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) expresses its grave concern about the acts of violence that have been taking place in Haiti and supports the important call made by Dr. Renan Hédouville, Protector of the Citizen of the Republic of Haiti, to the government authorities of the country to guarantee the right to life and security of the population. Please click here to read the full statement in the IOI's official languages.
15. Mai 2023
The Board of Directors of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) held its annual meeting from 7 – 11 May 2023. Together with IOI President Chris Field, Ombudsperson and IOI Secretary General Gaby Schwarz welcomed colleagues from around the world at the premises of the Austrian Ombudsman Board in Vienna.