20. April 2023
Al entregar al presidente Aragonés el Informe al Parlamento 2022 la síndica de greuges de Catalunya ha expresado la voluntad transformadora de la institución, como una herramienta que ayude a mejorar el servicio que presta la Generalitat a la ciudadanía.
20. April 2023
On 30 March 2023, Ombudsman Punjab Major (R) Azam Suleman Khan presented the annual performance report of the Office of the Ombudsman Punjab for 2022 to Governor Punjab Muhammad Balighur Rehman. 
20. April 2023
On 12 April 2023, Ms. Anahit Manasyan was elected as the new Human Rights Defender of Armenia by the RA National Assembly for a term of six years. She started performing her duties on 13 April 2023, in accordance with the RA Constitution and the Constitutional Law on the Human Rights Defender.
20. April 2023
Le 6 avril 2023, le protecteur du citoyen, M. Marc-André Dowd, a transmis un mémoire à la Commission des institutions de l’Assemblée nationale. Il y commente le projet de loi no 14 – Loi modifiant diverses dispositions relatives à la sécurité publique et édictant la Loi visant à aider à retrouver des personnes disparues.
20. April 2023
The Commission on Administrative Justice (Office of the Ombudsman) has recently published its eight issue of the Ombudsman Newsletter (January - March 2023). This newsletter's topics are, amongst others, the Ombudsman's partnerships, a review of "A decade of Service to Citizens in addressing Maladministration and Access to information in Kenya", and the DIAR Awards. 


17. April 2023
Les hacemos llegar el 67. Reporte Internacional de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).
14. April 2023
To better explain the services, the Ombudsman institution has produced a series of videos about what an ombudsman is, who it can assist, how and when it should be contacted, and tips for effectively seeking help when making a complaint.
14. April 2023
Multiple child welfare organizations failed to ensure the safety of a vulnerable Indigenous girl who repeatedly went missing while she was supposed to be receiving supervised services from a foster care agency, Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé’s latest investigation has found.