31. Oktober 2022
En el marco de la Semana de la Acción Climática, que se desarrolló entre el 24 y el 28 de octubre, la Defensoría del Pueblo de la provincia de Santa Fe llevó adelante diferentes acciones vinculadas con la promoción de los derechos ambientales por lo que en conjunto con el Taller Ecologista dieron inicio al ciclo de disertaciones Comenzamos por Casa con el objetivo de ampliar los conocimientos del personal de la institución sobre las problemáticas ambientales.
31. Oktober 2022
You are cordially invited to a webinar under the theme “Dealing with Challenging Behaviour”, which will be organized by the African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC) in collaboration with the IOI on 15 November 2022. Save the date and register in advance to receive the official invitation, order of proceedings and speaker details soon.
28. Oktober 2022
The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) is pleased to present its 2021-22 Annual Report, which is now available as PDF document and web version. The SPSO started 2021-22 in the knowledge it had high workloads and faced capacity and resourcing challenges.
28. Oktober 2022
Chris Field, President of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) and Western Australian Ombudsman, provided a virtual address at the Conference for Ombudspersons and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) within the framework of the First Parliamentary Summit of Crimea Platform.
28. Oktober 2022
On Thursday 20 October 2022, the Western Australian Ombudsman and President of the International Ombudsman Institute tabled in Parliament the report of his major own motion investigation titled Investigation into family and domestic violence and suicide.
27. Oktober 2022
The Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission Korea (ACRC) shares an update about its main activities in the month of September.
27. Oktober 2022
Ombudsman institutes take action against maladministration affecting the citizens of their respective country. But what are the standards against which Ombudsman measure the performance of government and why are these standards used? Are these standards future-proof considering the challenges our societies face now and in the near future and the role of the Ombudsman therein? Or are there possibilities for improvement? This was discussed in a Poldershop organized by the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands on 25 October 2022.
27. Oktober 2022
The Senate Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions of the Republic of Nigeria paid an official visit to the Alberta Legislative Assembly and the office of the Alberta Ombudsman. The one-week visit was initiated by the Chairman of the Senate Committee, and leader of the delegation, Senator (Dr.) Patrick Ayo Akinyelure, with a view to fostering relations and collaboration.