17. März 2022
The ACRC (Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission) hosted a forum with experts from various fields, including academia and legal circles to discuss the future direction of program operation.
17. März 2022
Mrs. Ana Sánchez, ARAP’s Team Leader, handed over today two vehicles to Mr. Joseph Whittal, the Commissioner of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ). ARAP, an EU-funded programme, implemented by the Spanish public foundation FIIAPP has been supporting the Commission during the last four years.
16. März 2022
The Commonwealth Ombudsman published new guidance to assist organisations to deal with risks of harm in complaint handling.
14. März 2022
Les hacemos llegar el 10. Reporte Semanal de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).
14. März 2022
Every year, around 1,600 students from the Caribbean part of the Kingdom embark optimistically on a study programme in the Netherlands, but many fail to make it to the end. The National Ombudsman drew attention to this issue. He investigated the challenges faced by Caribbean students and made recommendations for government and other organisations.
14. März 2022
On 4 March 2022, Ms. Sabina Aliyeva, the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, spoke in the Parliament, presenting her Annual Report for 2021 on the protection of human rights in the Republic of Azerbaijan. 
11. März 2022
Join Ontario Ombudsman and IOI North America Regional President Paul Dubé for a virtual discussion on 29 March 2022 to discuss possible ways to leverage internationally endorsed standards for Ombudsman, such as the Venice Principles and the respective UN Resolution to strengthen and protect your institution.
11. März 2022
L’Association « Faso demè » qui œuvre pour le bien être des populations a conduit un groupe d’élèves de l’école « Sababougnouma » de Bobo Dioulasso au siège du Médiateur du Faso.