2. September 2021
The Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea publishes its bi-monthly Wasdok Nius Newsletters. The editions for the months of March – April 2021 and May – June 2021 are now available.
2. September 2021
Ombudsperson Jay Chalke released his final update report into the provincial government's oversight of private training institutions in the province today. The report highlights improvements to the regulatory regime resulting from the Ombusperson's recommendations in a 2015 report. 
2. September 2021
The Ombudsman of Hong Kong, Ms Winnie Chiu, on August 31 announced the launch of a direct investigation to examine the Government's regulation of illegal occupation or obstruction of streets by goods and miscellaneous articles.
2. September 2021
La Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación presenta el Informe Anual 2020 sobre la situación de los derechos humanos en las cárceles federales y otros centros de detención de la Argentina.
2. September 2021
La Defensoría del Pueblo, junto a la Defensoría de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes y a la ONG Faro Digital, organizaron un taller que se denominó La violencia digital también es violencia: Frenemos la violencia de género también en internet.
2. September 2021
The South African Military Ombud (SAMO) and African Ombudsman and Mediators Association (AOMA) cordially invites you to the Annual (Virtual) Military Ombud Symposium, to be held on 30 September 2021. The conference theme is "The Role of Ombud Institutions in Enhancing Democratic Oversight in the Civil-Military Relations: Its Use, Challenges and Implications."
2. September 2021
On Wednesday 1 December 2021, the Office of the State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel, under the auspices of the IOI and AOM, will be hosting an international online conference on the theme "Advancing the Rights of the Elderly in an Age of Longevity". In preparation for the conference, attached is a digital questionnaire on the role of the ombudsman in advancing the rights of the elderly.
1. September 2021
Mr Munish Ramlal has been appointed as the new Municipal Ombudsman of Amsterdam by the city council. He follows Arre Zuurmond, who retired from the office earlier this year.