12. August 2021
The new Ombudsman of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, Pakistan has entered into office on 2 August 2021.
12. August 2021
To mark its 50th Anniversary, the State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel, under the auspices of the IOI and the AOM, invites you to participate in an international online conference on the theme: Advancing the Rights of the Elderly in an Age of Longevity, to be held on 1 December 2021.
12. August 2021
La Defensoría del Pueblo, junto a la Defensoría de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes y a la ONG Faro Digital, brindó un taller destinado a capacitar a las personas para identificar discursos de odio en redes sociales y tomar acciones que permitan frenarlos.
11. August 2021
Penny McKay will serve as Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman following the retirement of Michael Manthorpe PSM.
11. August 2021
Former IOI Secretary General Günther Kräuter passed this Saturday, 7 August 2021. Mr Kräuter suffered a severe medical incident while hiking in his home country of Austria. He was 64 years old.
11. August 2021
El Defensor del Pueblo (e.f.), Francisco Fernández Marugán, ha enviado varias recomendaciones al Ministerio de Sanidad para mejorar el conocido como pasaporte Covid y para asegurar que su uso como medida de prevención y control de la pandemia respeta la legislación y los derechos fundamentales.
10. August 2021
Le Médiateur, M. Naim Qelaj, a rencontré jeudi les représentants d’organisations non gouvernementales s’occupant d’activités dédiées aux personnes handicapées.
6. August 2021
The Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 is fast approaching, starting on 11 October. Hosted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), the Forum creates a unique platform for dialogue on pressing human rights challenges. It brings together diverse voices, uniting thinkers, makers, creators and doers. It will be an opportunity for young people in particular to voice their opinions.