8. Februar 2022
On 1 February 2022, Ms Adele Squillaci took office as the new Ombudsman of the Valle d'Aosta. Ms Squillaci was elected by the Regional Assembly at its meeting of 12 January 2022 for a five year term. She succeeds Ombudsman Enrico Formento Dojot.
7. Februar 2022
Les hacemos llegar el 5. Reporte Semanal de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).
3. Februar 2022
OmbudsLinked is a LinkedIn discussion group established in October 2021. It is an independent forum, not affiliated with any Ombudsman associations, with the aim of creating space for all types of practicing Ombudsman regardless of model, sector, standards of practice, etc. to congregate, network, share information and ideas, build camaraderie, and unite the profession.
3. Februar 2022
National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture visited some places of detention that had been visited by the SPT and CPT delegations during their last periodic visits (in 2017 by the CPT and in 2018 by the SPT). The NMPT visits were thematic ones and focused on verifying the recommendations of the monitoring bodies.
3. Februar 2022
The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales reviewed the "Principles of Good Administration" published by the Office in 2016. As a result, the Ombudsman decided to split them into two separate publications, which will provide public bodies and complainants with clearer principles of good administration practice.
3. Februar 2022
El Defensor del Pueblo, Ángel Gabilondo, valora positivamente que el Gobierno haya ampliado la prestación por cuidado de hijo con cáncer o enfermedad grave hasta que la persona causante de la prestación alcance los 23 años.
3. Februar 2022
L’Office de la Protection du Citoyen (OPC), Institution Nationale indépendante de Droits Humains, condamne sans réserve, les attaques violentes perpétrées contre le sous-commissariat de Bon Repos survenues dans la nuit du 30 au 31 janvier 2022 et qui ont occasionné la mort par balles d’un policier : Joseph Jork Blada. Un autre policier est sorti grièvement blessé au cours de ces attaques.
2. Februar 2022
The Victorian Ombudsman has launched an investigation into how public and community housing complaints are handled in a bid to improve processes and ensure fairness.