13. Juli 2021
El Consejo Directivo del Instituto Latinoamericano del Ombudsman-Defensorías del Pueblo (ILO), manifiesta su honda preocupación por el magnicidio del presidente de Haití y por la sistemática violación de los derechos humanos del pueblo haitiano.
12. Juli 2021
Pursuant to section 17 of the Organic Act of Ombudsmen B.E. 2560 (2017), Mr Viddhavat Rajatanun has completed his term as Chief Ombudsman of Thailand. Following the Royal Proclamation Appointment granted by His Majesty the King Mahavajiralongkorn, Mr. Somsak Suwansujarit was appointed Chief Ombudsman of Thailand and Assoc.Prof. Issaree Hunsacharoonroj as Ombudsman of Thailand.
12. Juli 2021
Insécurité en Haïti avec un niveau de criminalité transnationale, la communauté internationale doit venir en aide à la PNH.
12. Juli 2021
La Permanence de l’institution " Le Médiateur de la République", sise à Abidjan a abrité ce mercredi 19 juin 2021, la célébration de la Journée de l’Enfant Africain sur le thème : « La Protection des enfants en Côte d’Ivoire, 30 ans après la CADBE, bilan et perspectives ».
12. Juli 2021
The Commonwealth Ombudsman, Michael Manthorpe PSM, addressed the 10th Annual Prisons Conference, presenting on Australia’s journey to implement the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT).
9. Juli 2021
Victoria Pearman, Ombudsman for Bermuda, has submitted her Annual Report for 2020 to the Speaker of the House of Assembly in accordance with her statutory duty under the Ombudsman Act 2004. The Report was tabled in the House of Assembly this morning and is available to the public.
9. Juli 2021
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) has published a report about complaints related to NHS imaging. It highlights failings in the way X-rays and scans are reported on and followed up across the health service. The report includes recommendations for a system-wide programme of improvements for more effective and timely management of X-rays and scans. Ombudsman Rob Behrens has written to the Government urging it to prioritise improvements to NHS imaging services as part of the health sector's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
8. Juli 2021
In accordance with Article 18 of the Law on the “Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights,” the office of the Commissioner submitted the Annual Report 2020 on the status of observance and protection of human rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine.