11. August 2020
The President and Members of the sixth Control Yuan (CY) were inaugurated on 1 August 2020, with Vice President Lai Ching-te presiding. The same day, the grand opening of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) was presided over by President Tsai Ing-wen, along with NHRC Chair Chen Chu, former CY President Chang Po-ya, and Member Upay Radiw Kanasaw. The establishment of the NHRC marks a milestone in Taiwan’s human rights development.
11. August 2020
A webinar hosted by the Children and Families Chapter of the United States Ombudsman Association (USOA) on 16 September 2020 will examine approaches to reviewing child death and other critical incidents for system improvements and accountability.
11. August 2020
The Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman undertakes a range of activities pertaining to immigration detention. The COVID-19 pandemic presents particular risks in detention environments, but also challenges for inspection bodies.
11. August 2020
The publication "COVID-19 Challenges for Health Systems" is now available. The document was prepared on the basis of the dissertation in the Webinar "Challenges of COVID-19 for health systems", held on May 25, 2020 and organized by FIO and the Network of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights of the American Continent (RINDHCA).
11. August 2020
La publicación "Desafíos del COVID-19 para los sistemas de salud" ya está disponible. El documento fue elaborado sobre la base de disertación en el Webinario “Desafíos del COVID-19 para los sistemas de salud”, realizada el día 25 de mayo de 2020 y organizada por FIO y la Red de Instituciones Nacionales para la Promoción y Protección de los Derechos Humanos del Continente Americano (RINDHCA).
10. August 2020
Anualmente el Procurador Penitenciario dará cuenta a las Cámaras, mediante un informe, de la labor realizada. El Informe Anual 2019 refleja las actividades que la Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación (PPN) ha venido realizando, a través del ejercicio de su plena independencia y autonomía, a los efectos de mantener su compromiso inclaudicable en el cumplimiento de su objetivo fundamental.
10. August 2020
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ombudsman has taken several decisions on cases against maladministration, majority (about 80%) of which are in favour of complainants. This position illustrates the importance of such grievance redressal system as pillars of good governance, providing foundations for accountability and delivery of public services.
10. August 2020
El Defensor del Pueblo porteño estuvo haciendo relevamientos en los hospitales de salud mental de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires en calidad de veedor de las medidas dispuestas por la jueza Alejandra Petrella.