17. Februar 2021
The High Commissioner for Human Rights of the Russian Federation has published two new special reports concerning the “Observance and Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation” and “Human Rights Protection during the Spread of Covid-19”.
17. Februar 2021
Ante el anuncio de priorizar, entre otras, a las personas usuarias del Programa Contigo en la entrega del Bono 600, la Defensoría del Pueblo recordó al Gobierno que actualmente solo el 2.3 % del total de este grupo poblacional en condición de pobreza recibe esta pensión por discapacidad severa.
16. Februar 2021
La Coordinación Operativa de Transporte y Telecomunicaciones de la Defensoría elaboró un instructivo con lo más relevante de los protocolos que dispusieron los Gobiernos de la Nación y la Ciudad respecto al transporte público y una serie de consejos para moverse de manera cuidada y segura en el regreso al colegio.
16. Februar 2021
The Public Services Ombudsman Wales has published his second Equality & Human Rights Casebook highlighting 14 cases where actions or inactions of public bodies within his jurisdiction may have compromised the equality and human rights of individuals.
16. Februar 2021
La institución continúa recibiendo denuncias de personas estafadas a través de llamadas telefónicas o contactos por internet, luego de publicar información sensible. Recomendaciones para evitar ser blanco de estafas.
12. Februar 2021
The IOI is pleased to present a report of its activities, projects and developments in the membership year 2019/2020. With this report, the IOI informs its members about membership matters, finances, the latest projects, which the IOI supported within its regional subsidies programme, training initiatives and much more. The full report is available in all three languages of the IOI and can be accessed on our website.
11. Februar 2021
EN: The IOI Board of Directors has decided that the 12th World Conference and General Assembly will be held online.
FR: Le Conseil d’administration de l’IIO a décidé de transformer la 12e Conférence mondiale et l’Assemblée générale de l’IIO en événements en ligne.
ES: La Junta Directiva del IIO decidió realizar la 12ª Conferencia Mundial y Asamblea General del IIO por medios electrónicos.
11. Februar 2021
The Ombudsperson Institution of the Republic of Kosovo, pursuant to his constitutional and legal mandate, has submitted to responsible authorities and has published the Ex. Office Report with Recommendations No. 698/2020 regarding access to health care services for persons affected by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Tuberculosis (TB), during the COVID-19 pandemic period in Kosovo.