27. Juli 2020
Jeon Hyeon-Heui took office as the new Chairperson of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) on June 29 at the Government Complex Sejong.
23. Juli 2020
El Yuan de Control propone medidas correctivas al Gobierno de la Ciudad de Hsinchu, logrando que finalice la construcción de un complejo de capacitación laboral para personas con discapacidad que se ha retrasado por varios años
23. Juli 2020
Phil Clarke retired as Queensland Ombudsman on 9 July after almost 10 years of service. The new Ombudsman, Anthony Reilly, thanked Mr Clarke for his service to the Office of the Ombudsman and the Queensland community.
23. Juli 2020
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights carried out forty on-site inspections in Hungary during the state of danger that had been ordered on 11 March 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
23. Juli 2020
El Instituto Internacional de Ombudsman (IIO) manifiesta su preocupación y rechazo ante las diversas manifestaciones de agravio e intimidatorias en contra de los Defensores del Pueblo de Bolivia, Costa Rica, Guatemala y Peru.


23. Juli 2020
The International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) expresses its great concern regarding the negative statements and damaging remarks Ombudsman colleagues in Bolivia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Peru currently face.
21. Juli 2020
On June 30 the Ombudsman of Israel, Mr. Matanyahu Englman, submitted to the Israeli Parliament (the Knesset) Annual Report 46 of the Office of the Ombudsman for the year 2019.
21. Juli 2020
On July 17, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova and representatives of the Council of Europe held an online seminar to discuss Russian experience at federal and regional level with regard to compliance with international human rights standards in the framework of the COVID-19 epidemic.