1. Februar 2021
The Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia has received “A” status accreditation according to the Paris Principles, which relate to the status and functioning of national human rights institutions. This is the highest attainable status according to the Principles, which were adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1993.
1. Februar 2021
The Chancellor of Justice received the A-status accreditation as a national human rights institution by the GANHRI Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA). The decision on accreditation was preceded by a submission of a comprehensive statement on the independence, mandate and composition of the institution of the Chancellor of Justice, and an oral hearing by the SCA in December last year.
29. Jänner 2021
British Columbia Ombudsperson, Jay Chalke, released his office’s 2019/20 Annual Report today highlighting the impact of Ombudsperson investigations on individual circumstances and on strengthening fairness in public administration across the province.
28. Jänner 2021
In 2020, the Parliamentary Ombudsman received a record 7,059 complaints. This is around 800 complaints more than in 2019 (6,267), which was also a record year for complaints.
28. Jänner 2021
Los defensores del Pueblo del país mantuvieron un encuentro este martes por la tarde. La secretaria nacional y otros funcionarios del ministerio presentaron información detallada de las vacunas contra la COVID-19 y los principales lineamientos acerca de la campaña nacional de vacunación.
28. Jänner 2021
New Zealand is again ranked first equal with Denmark in the Transparency International annual index of perceived levels of public sector corruption.
28. Jänner 2021
On Thursday, 28 January the Cayman Islands joins the rest of the world in marking International Data Protection Day. Cayman’s Data Protection Law (DPL) contains important rights for individuals, including the right to be informed about how personal data is being used. The Office of the Ombudsman is tasked with oversight and enforcement of the DPL. Individuals have the right to complain to the Ombudsman if they believe their data is not being processed legally or fairly.
27. Jänner 2021
On 26 January 2021, the IOI held a successful second round of the IOI Remote Media Training. This session brought together 16 participants from Europe, Africa, Asia, North America and the Caribbean.