4. August 2020
Dans le contexte actuel difficile lié à la pandémie à coronavirus, le Médiateur de la République a organisé, le samedi 25 juillet 2020, une journée de don de sang en ses bureaux.
4. August 2020
As the country approaches what authorities describe as a difficult period in the fight against the spread of COVID-19, Public Protector Adv. Busisiwe Mkhwebane’s office has over the last four months seen a rapid surge in the number of complaints of conduct and service failure relating to the pandemic.
4. August 2020
La Presidenta de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Ciudad de México (CDHCM), Nashieli Ramírez Hernández, celebró que las manifestaciones en la capital del país signifiquen el ejercicio de los derechos a la protesta social y a la libertad de expresión, al mismo tiempo que los derechos de las personas que tienen necesidad de transitar con seguridad por calles y avenidas.
3. August 2020
The Office of the Ombudsman’s annual report for 2019 was tabled in the Legislative Assembly Wednesday, 29 July, showing a year of significant growth and accomplishment.
3. August 2020
During the reporting year, 49,961 citizens and representatives of organisations received assistance from the Ombudsman whereas 13,762 complaints and signals were finalised. Moreover, 53 NPM inspections took place in 2019.
3. August 2020
The Ombudsman Institution of Turkey, which functions independently, supervises all acts and actions of the administration. In accordance with the Law on the Ombudsman No.6328, the Institution prepares special reports on significant matters concerning a large segment of the society.
31. Juli 2020
Gwendolien Mossel presents the year report 2019 to the Parliament and the people of Sint Maarten in her capacity as Ombudsman of Sint Maarten.
30. Juli 2020
The Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights, Mrs Maria Stylianou-Lottidis, submitted last week to the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Nikos Anastasiades, the Annual Reports of her Office for the years 2018 and 2019, as well as the Report on the actions of the National Preventive Mechanism for the years 2018 and 2019.