19. Februar 2020
Finland’s first Parliamentary Ombudsman began his work 100 years ago, on 1 January 1920. The position of Parliamentary Ombudsman was established by the Constitution of 1919, so the institution is almost as old as the independent nation of Finland, and it is the second-oldest parliamentary ombudsman institution in the world.
18. Februar 2020
Tras la visita del Diputado del Común, Rafael Yanes, a las instalaciones de la ONCE de Tenerife, los representantes de la Asociación le hicieron llegar sus quejas en cuanto a la adaptación de los manuales de estudio a un lenguaje o medio adecuado para los 300 alumnos con discapacidad visual. Por ello, Yanes se comprometió a la apertura de una investigación de oficio en el área funcional de discapacidad.
18. Februar 2020
Another tragedy like the death of a teenage girl could happen unless Iowa’s child-protection workers are given the resources and support they need, the State Ombudsman announced when presenting the conclusions of her investigation into how the Department of Human Services handled child-abuse reports about the victim and her siblings.
17. Februar 2020
An investigation undertaken by the Ombudsman has identified that the agency formerly known as the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion, now the Department of Human Services, erred in its treatment of two young people in the Adelaide Youth Training Centre by subjecting them to inhumane treatment, including extended periods of isolation and solitary confinement.
17. Februar 2020
El defensor del Pueblo de la provincia, Raúl Lamberto, y el Adjunto para la zona Sur, Gabriel Savino, enviaron oficios a dependencias de los Estados nacional, provincial y municipal y los exhortaron a tomar medidas.
17. Februar 2020
Within the framework of activity as the National Preventive Mechanism against Torture the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Sabina Aliyeva visited Guba Special Vocational School of closed-type special educational facility status under the Ministry of Education in Guba city of Azerbaijan.
17. Februar 2020
Income and disability assistance recipients are still not getting the timely service they need when using the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction’s telephone system, according to the BC Ombudsperson who released an update today to his 2018 report.
13. Februar 2020
A vulnerable man choked to death after a care provider failed to undertake an appropriate risk assessment and produce an acceptable plan for his care, the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales has found.