10. Februar 2020
Though the 12-year Basic Education system came into effect in August 2014, students living in remote areas with no junior or senior high schools nearby have to travel afar for education. The costs of transportation and accommodation can become a heavy burden for parents, which is why Control Yuan launched an investigation to ensure the right to education.
10. Februar 2020
In the framework of the regional project on “strengthening access to justice through non-judiciary redress mechanisms for victims of discrimination, hate crime and hate speech in Eastern Partnership countries” which is funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe through the Partenship for Good Governance II programme, a training seminar on combating discrimination was organized in by the Ombudsman in January 2020.
7. Februar 2020
Sostiene CNDH que Propuesta de Reforma del Artículo 6 en Iniciativa de Ley
General de Educación Superior, debe garantizar el derecho humano a la
7. Februar 2020
Avec www.amendesroutieres.be, il est devenu possible de payer une amende routière online. Mais, lors de son lancement début 2018, le site a connu de nombreux couacs. Certaines personnes ont payé, à tort, leur amende deux fois ou un montant trop élevé et elles devaient être remboursées.
5. Februar 2020
Une mère consomme du cannabis sur une base régulière. Elle ne veut pas arrêter. Une infirmière lui conseille alors de ne plus allaiter son enfant. Son médecin ne lui a pourtant pas conseillé la même chose. La mère porte plainte au Protecteur du citoyen.
5. Februar 2020
Le Médiateur de la République, Joseph H. Gnonlonfoun a reçu en audience le mercredi 8 janvier 2019 le directeur national de Caritas Bénin, le Père Philippe Sanhouékoua.
5. Februar 2020
On January 13, 2020, Ombudsman Paul Dubé announced in a press release that Ms. Kelly Burke had just joined his office as Ontario’s new French Language Services Commissioner and Deputy Ombudsman. Ms. Burke was chosen by Mr. Dubé and an expert panel in a nationwide search.
5. Februar 2020
A unique automated system in the Facebook Messenger application has been launched by the RA Human Rights Defender in Armenian and English. The automated system provides consultation on the basic rights in Armenian and English to the persons deprived of liberty, their relatives or any other person.