28. Februar 2020
Pour éviter le recours aux tribunaux, Revenu Québec peut conclure des transactions, c’est-à-dire des ententes à l’amiable, avec certains contribuables. Dans un rapport d’enquête publié le 27 février 2020, le Protecteur du citoyen du Québec révèle que les droits de la partie adverse ne sont pas toujours respectés par l’organisme lors d’une telle transaction.
28. Februar 2020
To avoid the involvement of the courts, Revenu Québec may enter into transactions (settlements) with certain taxpayers. In an investigation report released on February 27, 2020, the Québec Ombudsman revealed that the opposing party’s rights are not always upheld when these transactions are made.
27. Februar 2020
El 8 de enero de 2020, el presidente anunció la formulación de la Ley Orgánica de la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos del Yuan de Control. El Yuan de Control establecerá la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos conforme a la ley. Por el momento, se ha creado un grupo especial para llevar a cabo los trabajos preparatorios.
26. Februar 2020
Save the date! African Ombudsman training and meetings to be held in Madagascar  from 4 – 7 May 2020.
26. Februar 2020
East Sussex County Council has been asked to review its policy for providing home to college transport for young adults with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), after the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman criticised the way it dealt with a family’s situation.
26. Februar 2020
El Defensor del Pueblo, Francisco Fernández Marugán, ha recomendado a la Dirección General de la Policía que garantice la intimidad de las mujeres que acuden a las clínicas de Interrupción voluntaria del embarazo.
25. Februar 2020
Throughout the past year, the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman (OVO) continued its work to advance fairness for Veterans and their families with a particular focus on the issues of wait times; financial security and transition.
25. Februar 2020
Three councils failed to act with accountability and transparency in a matter involving the outsourcing of parking fine reviews, Ombudsman Deborah Glass has found.