5. Juni 2020
On May 26, 2020, Ombudsperson Marie Rinfret announced an impartial and independent investigation into the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and certain public health institutions.
4. Juni 2020
2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the European Ombudsman. From small beginnings in 1995, the institution has grown to become a recognised and respected upholder of transparency, ethics and accountability in the EU administration.
4. Juni 2020
In a radio broadcast of the Seimas Ombudsmen’s Office program “Everyone is important” there was a sharp discussion regarding potential violations of the human rights of elderly people during the quarantine period, which received a lot of attention.
3. Juni 2020
Two recent decisions on Freedom of Information (FOI) appeals by the Ombudsman have helped clarify when government’s internal discussions are protected from disclosure and when information around those matters should be released to the public.
3. Juni 2020
Representantes de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Provincia de Santa Fe y de diversos organismos e instituciones llevaron adelante una reunión de trabajo con el objetivo de implementar en forma completa la legislación provincial vigente vinculada a personas electro dependientes.
2. Juni 2020
Jeudi 28 et vendredi 29 mai, le Défenseur des droits, en partenariat avec la CNIL, organise un séminaire d’experts autour des algorithmes discriminatoires. L’occasion d’un premier dialogue entre chercheurs, sociologues, juristes et développeurs. A l’issue, les deux autorités proposeront plusieurs recommandations afin de garantir à chacun une égalité de traitement dans les nombreuses situations où une partie du choix est faite par une intelligence artificielle.
2. Juni 2020
Michelle Bachelet is pleased to present the first report covering an entire year of her term as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The year 2019 was marked by important developments supported by the OHCHR’s headquarters and 84 field presences across the world. With The OHCHR’s assistance, fifteen national laws were adopted to combat discrimination in all forms.
2. Juni 2020
Given the rapidly ageing population across Europe, National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in the region are increasingly working on the promotion and protection of the rights of older persons. In order to understand specific human rights challenges in old age, it is crucial for NHRIs to directly engage with older persons including through their representative organisations and bring real lived experiences into their work.