9. Juni 2020
This report draws attention to a problem that has become a regular subject of ‘public interest disclosures’ to the Ombudsman - nepotism in government schools. It highlights the need for school principals and staff to check and follow integrity obligations, and the need for public authorities to look for effective ways to embed integrity in their workplaces.
9. Juni 2020
New dates (23 - 28 May 2021) have been agreed for the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) 12th General Assembly and World Conference in Dublin.
Se han acordado nuevas fechas (23 – 28 de mayo de 2021) para celebrar la 12ª Conferencia Mundial y Asamblea General del Instituto Internacional del Ombudsman (IIO) en Dublín.
De nouvelles dates ont été fixées pour la 12e Conférence mondiale de l’Institut International de l’Ombudsman (l’IIO) ayant lieu à Dublin : 23 – 28 mai 2021
8. Juni 2020
Le Protecteur du citoyen dévoile aujourd’hui sa nouvelle signature visuelle. Moderne et épurée, elle fait écho à la mission de l’institution qui place l’humain au cœur de ses actions.
8. Juni 2020
Les hacemos llegar el reporte semanal de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional”elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).
8. Juni 2020
Migrant fishers enjoy statutory labor insurance coverage, and their employers are required to contribute to their premiums so that they may claim government compensation in the event of injury on the job, as well as the same right to medical care as nationals.
8. Juni 2020
June 1 is International Children's Day. On this occasion, the Public Defender of Georgia held a statement reinforcing that this date reminds the world community that all States have an obligation to take into account the best interests of each child, to protect their life and health and to provide conditions for their education, development and decent life.
5. Juni 2020
Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé launched an investigation into the oversight of long-term care homes by the province’s Ministry of Long-Term Care and Ministry of Health during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The investigation will focus on whether the oversight of long-term care homes by those ministries during the coronavirus crisis is adequate to ensure the safety of residents and staff.
5. Juni 2020
Le 26 mai 2020, en contexte de pandémie, la protectrice du citoyen, Marie Rinfret, a annoncé la tenue d’une enquête impartiale et indépendante à l’égard du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux et de certains établissements du réseau public de la santé.