18. Juni 2020
En el marco de las celebraciones por el 30 aniversario de la Defensoría se realizó el segundo de cinco encuentros programados. Los derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales (DESCA) y el rol de las instituciones marcaron el eje del encuentro.
18. Juni 2020
The People’s Advocate Institution of Albania has published a special report on "Monitoring the Activity of the Justice Appointments Council” during the year 2019. The Justice Appointments Council (JAC) has a key role in the framework of the establishment of new institutions of justice reform and during the last two years it has been a subject of disagreements between various institutions engaged in the implementation of this reform. The published report highlights problems identified by the People’s Advocate Institution in its role as an observer of JAC meetings during 2019.
18. Juni 2020
The Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia Juris Jansons has already submitted five applications to the Constitutional Court on the unconstitutionality of the amount of several state-determined benefits to vulnerable groups in the fight against poverty. Ombudsman Mr. Juris Jansons pointed out that poverty causes social exclusion, therefore it is the duty of a socially responsible state to create a social assistance system that ensures a dignified standard of living and allows a person to fully integrate into society.
17. Juni 2020
Le Médiateur de la République, Alioune Badara Cissé, a rappelé, mardi, à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de l’enfant africain, "la nécessité de poursuivre la défense et la promotion des droits de l’enfant". L’institution affirme que la défense des droits de l’enfant constitue "une de ses priorités". "Cet objectif se retrouve dans différentes déclarations de l’Association des Ombudsmans et Médiateurs de la Francophonie, Association dont nous sommes membres", rappelle-t-elle.
17. Juni 2020
Afin de renforcer son rôle dans la protection des droits de l’enfant, l’AOMF est dans le processus de création d’une plateforme « Ressources pédagogiques » sur son site internet. Cette plateforme regroupera des outils pour la protection et la promotion des droits de l’enfant créés par l’AOMF et ses membres, ainsi que des outils créés par des personnes, ONG et institutions extérieures à l’AOMF.
17. Juni 2020
The Ombudsperson's Annual Report, in the spirit of the principles democracy, protection of human rights and rule of law as well as the constitutional and legal mandate, aims to provide a general overview of the challenges in the human rights protection system in the Republic of Kosovo. With particular emphasis on the issues of systematic problems in all three pillars of the power: in legislature, in executive and judiciary, with a strong believe that in this way this Report will serve also as a tool for strengthening democracy in the country.
17. Juni 2020
The Waka Tangata APOR E-News includes news and views from integrity organisations in the Pacific and Australasian Region. Issue 5 of the Waka Tangata APOR E-news is now available online.
17. Juni 2020
To date, the Office of the Ombudsman has received over 1,200 complaints relating to the coronavirus crisis. 79% of the complaints in which the investigation has been completed were found justified or were rectified.