17. Juli 2020
The World Bank Group is currently advertising a vacancy for the Head of the Office of the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) for the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) for social and environmental concerns.
16. Juli 2020
Since taking office on 1 August 2014, the fifth-term CY Members have been actively carrying out their duties, building on the foundation laid by past CY Members. In addition to detecting illegal practices and eliminating malpractice, the CY Members are dedicated to promoting effective governance, redressing public grievances, and the protection of human rights of all kinds.
15. Juli 2020
Un cerrado apoyo a las instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos que soportan turbulencias internas en sus países y amenazas que pretenden torcer su gestión y el criterio independiente que las cimenta, pronunció este lunes la asamblea extraordinaria de la Federación Iberoamericana del Ombudsman (FIO) que, convocada de urgencia, tuvo una reunión virtual vía Zoom de la que participaron representantes de 14 países.
15. Juli 2020
El proceso de revisión ha consistido en la evaluación por parte de otros ombudsman de la eficiencia y la eficacia de la institución, la efectividad de los procesos básicos y la calidad de los servicios.
15. Juli 2020
Only one out of all inmates in state and local prisons and halfway houses under the Danish Prison and Probation Service has been infected with COVID-19. The Ombudsman finds this very positive. At the same time, however, he recommends, following a recent Ombudsman investigation, that the Prison and Probation Service review its experiences of recent months with a view to determining whether a future pandemic can be handled by means of less restrictive measures.
13. Juli 2020
As of July 2020, the Northern Ireland Assembly nominated Margaret Kelly as the new Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman. The new Ombudsman will take up her post on 19 August, following appointment by Royal Warrant. The post is for a single period of seven years.


13. Juli 2020
David Baele a prêté serment, le mardi 7 juillet 2020, en tant que médiateur fédéral néerlandophone devant le président de la Chambre des représentants, Patrick Dewael. Jusqu’il y a peu, David Baele était chargé de mission à l’Agence pour la Simplification administrative du service public fédéral Chancellerie du Premier ministre.
13. Juli 2020
Further to its Statement of principles made on 20 March 2020 in the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and in the light of responses received from member States concerning measures taken with regard to persons deprived of their liberty, the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) of the Council of Europe issued a follow-up statement.