9. September 2019
The Ombudsman of Azerbaijan received the Chief of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission to Azerbaijan Mr. Vladimir Giorgiyev.
9. September 2019
Today’s most pressing undemocratic trends resurfacing in many parts of Europe concern freedom of expression, the independence of the judiciary, the impact of artificial intelligence on human rights and discrimination against vulnerable people. The “Council of Europe Highlights 2018” show how diverse bodies of the Council of Europe, in cooperation with its member states, worked throughout the past year to tackle them, with the aim of making Europe a safer and more democratic place for everybody.
9. September 2019
The Commission on Monday, September 2, 2019, hosted a delegation from the Office of the Ombudsman, Burundi. The delegation which was led by the Chief Ombudsman, Hon. Edouard Nduwimana, visited the Commission to learn its operations and share experience and lessons in the implementation of the Ombudsman’s mandate.
9. September 2019
The Office of the Ombudsman has released a report on an investigation of alleged malpractices resulting in removal of uteruses from expectant women in public health facilities titled “Woes of the Womb”.
9. September 2019
La Defensoría del Pueblo de Perú expresó hoy su protesta contra el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF), por haber reducido en un 76% el presupuesto solicitado para impulsar acciones dirigidas a enfrentar la lucha contra la violencia hacia mujeres, niñas y adolescentes en nuestro país durante el próximo año. Así lo contempla el Proyecto de Ley de Presupuesto General de la República para el año 2020 presentado por el Ejecutivo al Congreso de la República.
5. September 2019
El puerto de Taipei es el puerto más grande de contenedores oceánicos del norte de Taiwán, siendo también una de las siete zonas portuarias de libre comercio de todo el país. El Comité de Asuntos de Transportes y Adquisiciones del Yuan de Control se dirigió a la zona portuaria para conocer la situación sobre las operaciones de logística y almacenamiento. Además, la delegación supervisó el Museo Postal y la Oficina de Correos de la calle Jinnan donde les mostraron la historia del servicio postal y los resultados del establecimiento del sistema de correo digital.
5. September 2019
Children and young people in Victorian prisons and youth justice systems are being damaged rather than rehabilitated through excessive use of isolation and separation, Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass has found.
5. September 2019
Dutch National Ombudsman Reinier Van Zutphen will host another Poldershop in The Hague on Friday, 1 November 2019. This edition of the Poldershop is about how Ombudsman assess the actions of the government and on what basis they reach their decisions. Input and results from this Poldershop will inform an IOI Best Practice Paper to be published next year.