27. August 2019
For the first-time ever, the International Ombud Expo 2019 scheduled to hold in Sheraton Abuja, Nigeria from 28 – 31 October, 2019 will include a special event dedicated to showcase through pictures, sharing of experiences, and expert discussions the contributions of women leaders in these institutions. Women have contributed immensely towards the development and impact of ombudsman and related oversight institutions across the globe. But this influence has remained largely unnoticed.  More so, there is no systematic data available anywhere on this.  The special event is aimed at closing this gap


27. August 2019
The Queensland Ombudsman’s report, The Forensic Disability Service report: An investigation into the detention of people at the Forensic Disability Service, was tabled by the Honourable Curtis Pitt MP, Speaker of the Queensland Parliament on Thursday 22 August 2019.
27. August 2019
Since there has been no reaction so far to the Croatian Ombudswoman’s letter to the competent institutions (to State’s Attorney Office, Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Chairpersons of the Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System, the Committee on Human and National Minority Rights and the Domestic Policy and National Security Committee) regarding her request to conduct appropriate, efficient and independent investigation of the alleged illegal police treatment of migrants, which was received in a complaint by an anonymous policeman, in order to establish whether it was grounded, Croatian Ombudswoman Lora Vidović has now informed the public as the last resort stipulated by the Art 19 of the Ombudsman Law.


27. August 2019
The European Forum Alpbach 2019 hosted a breakout session by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the IOI on “Human Rights Under Pressure: The Role of Ombudspersons and National Human Rights Institutions”. The IOI was represented by its President and Irish Ombudsman Peter Tyndall.
26. August 2019
El pasado martes 13 de agosto, Juan Manuel Irrazabal fue electo como presidente del Comité Nacional para la Prevención de la Tortura (CNPT) por los integrantes de ese cuerpo.
26. August 2019
The Ombudsman attaches great importance to the cooperation with the Council of Europe (CoE). On regular basis the Ombudsman meets the different representatives of the CoE and informs them on the activities of the Institution.
23. August 2019
La Defensoría del Pueblo relevó en la ciudad de Santa Fe el cumplimiento del decreto que reduce a 0% el IVA en productos de consumo básicos.
22. August 2019
The 31st Australasian and Pacific Ombudsman Region (APOR) Conference is scheduled to be hosted by the Control Yuan in Taiwan this coming 25 - 27 September.