11. Februar 2019
Out of date food, expired medications and medical supplies, overcrowding and other gross breaches. The Human Rights Defender has summed up the results of the monitoring visit to “Dzorak” mental health care center of the RA Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
11. Februar 2019
The IOI reviews another operational year and is pleased to inform its members about far-reaching developments and achievements in 2017/2018. It has been a busy year that saw the realization of many ambitious projects and the organization’s 40th anniversary.
8. Februar 2019
A recent column by Deb Hutton, published by Queen’s Park Briefing on 18 January 2019, raised provocative questions about the role and usefulness of independent officers of the Legislature. Ontario Ombudsman, Paul Dubé, wrote an opinion piece on this matter, which was published as a guest column in Queen’s Park Briefing on 1 February 2019.
6. Februar 2019
El Ministerio del Interior ha aceptado una recomendación del Defensor del Pueblo (e.f.), Francisco Fernández Marugán, para hacer efectiva, de manera inmediata, la reagrupación familiar en los matrimonios mixtos en los que uno de los cónyuges ya cuenta con el estatuto de refugiado o es beneficiario de protección subsidiaria.
6. Februar 2019
All of Victoria’s 79 local councils will be surveyed on how they handle complaints from the public as part of an enquiry undertaken by Victorian Ombudsman, Deborah Glass.
6. Februar 2019
Al cumplirse el vigésimo segundo aniversario de la fundación de la Defensoría del Pueblo, la entidad encargada de tutelar la defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Panamá instaló su primer Consejo Consultivo, acto que contó con la participación de miembros de la sociedad civil y del cuerpo diplomático.
5. Februar 2019
On Friday 1 November 2019 the office of the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands will organize a Poldershop on how ombudsman assess the actions of government. Some ombudsman refer to the law, others to human rights treaties and still others have their own list of norms. Save the date!


5. Februar 2019
The Ombudsman addressed a recommendation to the Minister of Justice to amend Act No. 32/2008 of 17 July on the retention of data generated or processed in the context of the provision of communications services publicly available electronic communications networks or public communications networks.