20. Februar 2019
Victorians lodged more than 800 complaints about VicRoads with the Victorian Ombudsman last financial year, with many of the issues having serious financial, practical and emotional consequences for those involved.


20. Februar 2019
La Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDH) denuncia ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) la persistencia de violencia contra personas Defensoras en México, a quienes refrendó su respaldo, y llamó a las autoridades a garantizar condiciones para que realicen sus actividades de manera libre y segura.
19. Februar 2019
On 19 February 2019, Hong Kong Ombudsman Connie Lau announced the completion of two direct investigations, namely “Government’s support for non-Chinese speaking students” and “Government’s handling of two trees in front of Tang Chi Ngong Building of University of Hong Kong”.
19. Februar 2019
The Office of the Ombudsman of Tonga published its Quarterly Newsletter, which covers the period from October – December 2018 and puts a specific focus on the Ombudsman’s outreach programmes to the youth.
18. Februar 2019
Members of the National Preventive Group (NPG) against torture of the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan visited the prison in Gobustan under the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice.
18. Februar 2019
Following a complaint lodged by Students from Blantyre International University (BIU) and Share World concerning the un-accreditation of the law programs by the National Council of Higher Education (NCHE), the Honorable Ombudsman Martha Chizuma has directed two Universities to stop offering the law program until all legal requirements are met.
18. Februar 2019
The Constitutional Court recognized unconstitutional the legal regulations stating the automatic (by default) deprivation of the contact with outside world of detainees and convicted persons transferred to the disciplinary cell, based on the application submitted by the Human Rights Defender. The Court stated June 5, 2019 as a deadline for the National Assembly and the Government, giving a possibility to correspond the challenged provisions to the requirements of the decision, otherwise they will be declared repealed.
14. Februar 2019
En 2018 se ha producido un incremento de las solicitudes de intervención del Síndic en el ámbito de los derechos civiles y políticos. Rafael Ribó solicita en su informe a todas las instituciones catalanas que establezcan como retos prioritarios la consideración de la vivienda como derecho fundamental y no solo como objeto económico y la igualdad de oportunidades en la educación.