13. Februar 2019
Dunja Mijatović, Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe (CoE), paid a visit to Austrian Ombudsman and IOI Secretary General, Günther Kräuter, to discuss relevant human rights issues.
12. Februar 2019
La institución provincial solicitó a los partidos políticos que se autolimiten para dar cumplimiento a los lineamientos de la normativa nacional e internacional de paridad de género en la conformación de listas de la futura elección.
11. Februar 2019
Ombud, Charles Murray, released last Thursday, 7th of February, findings of his office’s probe into complaints of mistreatment of patients at the Restigouche Hospital Centre in Campbellton, caused in part by chronic understaffing.
11. Februar 2019
The 2nd of February is nationally celebrated as Youth day in Azerbaijan according to the Decree signed by the President, Haydar Aliyev in 1997. Since that day, each year numerous events are conducted in the country where the young people actively participate. On this occasion by the initiative of Azerbaijani Ombudsman many events were organized in different regions of the country with participation of the young people.
11. Februar 2019
A new book edited by Marc Hertogh and Richard Kirkham brings together leading scholars and practitioners to discuss state-of-the-art-research on the 'ombudsman' institution. 'Research Handbook on the Ombudsman' illustrates how empirical research may contribute to a better understanding of the ombudsman in action.
11. Februar 2019
Le Médiateur de la République, Joseph H. Gnonlonfoun poursuit toujours sa mission de sensibilisation pour la cause de la paix et de la concorde dans le cadre des élections législatives du 28 avril 2019.
11. Februar 2019
The Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, asks the relatives of the five mortal victims of the collapse of Municipal Highway 255, which took place on November 19, 2018, in the Borba municipality, to file their compensation claims.


11. Februar 2019
Reforzar la inversión en protección social, avanzar en la designación de un Defensor de Niñas y Niños y Adolescentes –nombramiento que se espera desde hace más de 11 años– y no reducir un debate tan complejo como el de la seguridad a la necesidad de un proyecto de Ley Penal Juvenil que estipule la baja de edad de punibilidad, son los ejes de la carta dirigida al mandatario nacional.